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Gene McFadden Sad news

Philly soul singer/songwriter Gene Mcfadden has died at his Philadelphia home from cancer he was 56.

Best known for Aint No Stoppin Us Now with his songwriting parter John Whitehead he also wrote a string of major hits for the Philly and TSOP labels.
Philly Label founders Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff released a statement about Mcfadden and Whitehead saying "they were indispensible and their music capabilities were uniquely flexible. Not only could they write sensational singles but they could write amazing album songs too"Gene McFadden was born in Philidelphia and as a teenager along with John Whitehead were part of Shrine band The Epsilons which was managed by Otis Redding until his death in 1967. A short time with Stax followed before they began a long association with Gamble and Huff.
The scene loses yet another legend.

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