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Feb On The Scene out - info and a quick look at the articles

Latest issue of "On The Scene" is out and about, with an interesting article on a long running saga The new booklet format is a great improvement, meaning that you just dont get the latest event info free of charge but also now get some informative and enjoyable reading thrown in as well, which has to be a good thing!

This month features the usual soul, mod and scooter events easy to look up, listing and also a 2 page article billed as the "Ian Levine and the four vandals-the true story". Which is interesting reading as the author has gone for a "true and unbiased view" and includes bits like Ginger detailing how he paid £800 and the details behind him buying it and what really went on behind the curtains at togetherness.

Some interesting points come up in this article, such as levine appearing to admit he lied about the whole thing from the begining but claims was to prove a point and not for finanical gain.

As said its all interesting stuff and whilst does cover most aspects, there are a few things not mentioned that may cause some to doubt levines claims.

More on this later. Anyway back to On the Scene, should be out and about at a venue near you soon, and as always anything that is free, usefull and informative to the soul fan cant be a bad thing!

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