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Essential Modern Soul List goes for the forum style

A change for the respected long running modern soul discussion list

One of the longest running and respected web soul discussion lists has just changed from an email based discussion list to a forum based format. Yes Essential Modern Soul is now available in a new fresh forum style format.

Worthy of a mention on here as a fair few years ago it had a effect on this site, it  was the inspiration for the move of the soul source news list to the soul talk discussion list, which happenend after seeing ems prove that it was possible for internet soul lists to be friendly, worthwhile and enjoyable.

Anyway enough past times, a quick good luck to them on change and here's a brief word from the site on how they see themselves

181084.gif to Essential Modern Soul, a free UK based open discussion forum that welcomes soul fans from all over our planet - membership is global. The forum is private and requires registration apart from the What's On section.

the topic at this corner of the world is modern soulful sounds from the seventies and on into the future... and all else inbetween...

and here's the

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