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Ebony Affair Show Dvds magazine cover

My sister is on holiday at the moment otherwise she would be doing this link instead of me. A while back John Jackson was looking for investors to put these shows on tv with the possibility of maybe doing dvds? Well it looks like it is going to happen :) Just found this on yt so I'm copying and pasting as he has wrote it

"Published on Aug 22, 2017
PROMOTIONAL: DEMO "THE EBONY AFFAIR" Presenting the Best of Rhythm & Blues with top talent from the 70's, 80's & 90's. Get a list of free copies of DVD's. Get in contact with us on how you can get your free DVD without cost to you"

I know this will interest a lot of Soulies on here and so have sent a direct e-mail to ask for further information, will update when John Jackson replies with details. In the mean time take a look at that list of performers scrolling down on the video.


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Still Diggin


Not all the artists on these shows are  listed in the clip.  The Modulations is one of them, along with the exellent Invitations fronted by Lew Kirton of which is in the Video only. Lucky to have had access to these before.Many of the artists will be seen for the first time. So fill your boots. Great post shelly 74.



@still diggin Hi Andrew, I'm also lucky enough to have seen The Invitations - They say the girls crazy (older sister collects footage) along with quite a few others :thumbsup: First video John Jackson put on his yt channel included The Modulations which was posted in a previous topic but here is link to it for those who missed it first time around :) p.s He has over 400 clips x


Brune Adams


where can i get a copy please thank you



I've seen quite a few of these clips too, they're good ... the show was on US TV in the mid 70's ... so '60's only' fans could be disappointed ..



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