Charity Soul hits the £36,000 mark hit £50,000.00 by the end of 2016

£36,000.00 in 36 Months
The photo below shows Charity Soul’s youngest member (and possibly the youngest dj on the soul scene) Lilly Miller presenting a cheque for £4,000.0 to Professor Norman Maitland to aid the on-going stem cell research into finding a cure for Prostate Cancer.
This current donation from Charity Soul brings the cumulative total of donations made to the cancer research work at York University to £36,000.00, all achieved in the space of 36 months since the inception of Charity Soul.
The organisation is made up of a team of volunteers who donate their services free, along with a dedicated group of prominent dj’s from around the UK who also give there time to Charity Soul and do not receive any financial reward whatsoever.
The aspiration for Charity Soul is to achieve a donation figure of £50,000.00 by the end of 2016
If you would like to help Charity Soul in its quest and make a donation no matter how small please go to:
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