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Call out for dancers / original Northern Soul fans

Call out for dancers / original Northern Soul fans magazine cover

We had a fantastic opening weekend just gone with 2 sold out parties, this Friday we have a Northern Soul night on 9pm-3am and the BBC will be filming from 9pm

Be good to get some of that fab crowd from opening back again plus any other original fans and also younger dedicated fans/dancers for filming and interviews

DJs for the night include:
Jay Lewis 
Matt Blackmore
Soul Time Steve
Big Al Shaw 

Music will be pure Northern Soul on original vinyl only

At The Night Owl, 17-18 Lower Trinity Street, Digbeth, B9 4AG / nightowlbirmingham@gmail.com 

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Members Comments

Recommended Comments

Guest Byrney


Best of luck with the club Maryam. Don't be put off by all the negative comments - I'm sure they mean well! If they're worried about the BBC putting a different spin on things how did they all feel when the BBC put Wigans Ovation on TOTPs, making complete twazzacks of us all!

to answer your question I'm happy to say I was too young by 3 or so years to have had an opinion about Wigan's Ovation low point at that time. But looking back it was truly hideous and indicative of how over ground / commercial Northern Soul was.

But I don't get your position - you're suggesting that the WO crass coverage was bad but now encouraging coverage that, going on multiple recent examples might very well offer an inaccurate and embarrassing view... 

Guest Matt Male


At the end of the day, if the music is good, word gets round that everyone had a good night, you have a decent dancefloor (and nice clean toilets) then your club will be successful, and it won't matter if the BBC visit or not. :thumbsup:

Unfortunately I can't come on Friday as I'll be busy stroking my chin in preparation for Second City Soul on Saturday. :yes:

Good luck with the launch though.

Guest Mellorful


Is a vox pop a new type of time release spansule that uses a non gelatine coating for the more ethically minded? Sorry. 

I thought vox pop was a nasty disease you got from getting intimate with the wrong people and the GP then prescribed antibiotics as a cure, that's the BBC for you; then realised that's a pox pop. Suppose some will think the analogy of clap and the BBC is appropriate both being socially undesirable at NS events.:yes:

I suspect you may get those seeking the camera will be tempted to attend and those who are camera shy will give the venue a wide berth. 


Steve S 60


I suspect you may get those seeking the camera will be tempted to attend and those who are camera shy will give the venue a wide berth. 


I was going until I found out it's only going to be on the local news.  National coverage or nothing.



Ok I see where you're coming from, but it's hardly underground anymore,  .

And that's why the scene's in the sorry state it's in  to commercialised  promoters only in it for the money  ( not you  Maryam) we know who im on about and the curse of the casino have all dragged this scene down and apart  . Good luck tonite I hope they do a better job than previous attempts



I'm really surprised at how well this club has gone, along with Second City Soul crew, I grew up in Birmingham and it was devoid of anything really bar the Rigger and one or two small do's in Digbeth on occasion... I wish all this was going in the eighties and nineties, would have been great... as for the BBC, well that makes it a great night to remember for all that attend.

Good luck with Friday, the picture you have used looks great btw..


my 1st experience o a niter at 16,threatened by guy with gang tat on his neck (tatts not common in 82) for looking at him, obviously he was para,then saw guy produce a sword out of lining o a leather coat,he was barbed up.i continued for nother 11yrs, but the aforementioned, hardly basis for a kids party.realised reply was mb to earlier post u made 



The Casino was an old Victorian dancehall that played our music in the 70's, it really isn't killing the scene 35 years later..

You want to blame someone then blame all the wanabee Dickie Searlings  so DESPERATE to get everybody and anybody through the doors of yet another Northern Soul night that they've now dumbed the music and the scene down to such a point that it's just become of sad parody of a small part of it's distant history.

A disposable income and an ebay acount does not a DJ make.



Good luck Maryam I'm for enjoy it & see what happen's!.If you enjoy Motown & N/Soul & like to dance to it then it's OK by me:pirate:

Guest MBarrett


Did it happen?

Any idea if/when any film might get shown?

I'm in the glass half full camp by the way! :)


Russ Vickers


Another f*ckin circus, it cant be justified in any way shape or form, just another wannabe trying to make a living off the back of NS...end of....we know the real deal & avoid places like this like the plague, full of divs n wannabes trying to make thier fortune & get on the tele...launch party ha...launch the f*cker in to space...Hopefully it will fail miserably.

Best Russ



They usually mean Wigan & Wigan & Wigan .................. nothing before or after is considered "interesting" enough ..... or indeed actually existed !!!


Spot on there my friend. Always thought this was the narrow minded thoughts of many.


Russ Vickers


You know what, its stuff like this, that has recently made me think very seriously about ending my asscotiation with the so called 'scene'.  I could never stop enjoying Soul Music, but I have always debated rigourously with anyone who will listen, that the 'scene' is a very important part of enjoying the music, particularly as we are talking about dance music here predominantly & IMHO opinion, its best enjoyed with like minded people in dark, sweaty clubs, with full dance floors & preferably off ya t*ts, talking bollox....

The fluffy, namby pamby, KTF returnees, wannabes, hand baggers & those that dont give a f*ck, so long as theyre making a few quid, have absolutely raped the real scene of any credibility & made it a laughing stock, something to be poked fun at & leaves those of us that do care about the REAL scene, if there is such a thing left now, cringing with embarrassment, has no one got any integrity left what so ever ???....you've virtually destroyed everything I loved about this scene & we're left with a pastiche of what was a great & respected music culture.....ironically you dont even realise what you have or are doing & will justify & defend your crass actions until you are blue in the face, re writing history to suit your own ends & disrespecting anyone who tries to make a stand.

You've made phrases like Rare Soul an insult, people who defend the original ethos are slagged off & ridiculed, calling them amongst other derogatory terms the 'Soul Police'.  I'm almost ashamed to be part of what you call Northern Soul, something I was once proud to be an advocate of.  I thought that eventually, you would all crawl back under the stones that you emerged from, after your 20 - 30 year breaks, with your pathetic excuses of why you abandoned this once beautiful thing, but it seems to be getting worst....

There are still some pockets of real Rare Soul left, but its getting harder to justify seeking them out & travelling the distances that are involved.....35 years plus of pure unadulterated passion, supporting Soul Music venues, dancing, collecting, promoting, DJiing.  I have given up a lot of my life to this music one way or another, I have spent thousands of pounds, probably tens of thousands of pounds travelling, collecting, promoting venues etc, etc, just to see it plummet to the depths of lowest common denominator sh*te & to be laughed at by so called Soulies & the divs that will never actually get it....

I have had broken relationships, family rifts, been arrested,attacked & spent time in cells for numerous minor offences whilst travelling to & doing what we do, I've made & lost fortunes on record deals, travelled thousands & thousands of miles to venues up & down the country & internationally & you know what, I loved every bloody minute of it, it was all worth it, cos that is what we do....now because of what you have done & are continuing to do, I feel dirty to be asscotiated with it....

I'm not sure what I will do now, I need to reflect properly on everything, I was thinking about selling up & f*cking the lot of you off, let you get on with destroying everything that was once special, but maybe I will just take a sabatical until I feel a bit better about things, never thought it would come to this, you aint won, you will never win, because you are not what this scene is about, you are fake, the great pretenders, you know who you are & you should be ashamed of your selves....

Keep the Faith....what a joke, KOKO suckers lol...if there's owt left when you've finished, I may be back, until then I will be hiding in me rekkid room, you were right Dave, its still 1976....      



You know what, its stuff like this, that has recently made me think very seriously about ending my asscotiation with the so called 'scene'.  I could never stop enjoying Soul Music, but I have always debated rigourously with anyone who will listen, that the 'scene' is a very important part of enjoying the music, particularly as we are talking about dance music here predominantly & IMHO opinion, its best enjoyed with like minded people in dark, sweaty clubs, with full dance floors & preferably off ya t*ts, talking bollox....

The fluffy, namby pamby, KTF returnees, wannabes, hand baggers & those that dont give a f*ck, so long as theyre making a few quid, have absolutely raped the real scene of any credibility & made it a laughing stock, something to be poked fun at & leaves those of us that do care about the REAL scene, if there is such a thing left now, cringing with embarrassment, has no one got any integrity left what so ever ???....you've virtually destroyed everything I loved about this scene & we're left with a pastiche of what was a great & respected music culture.....ironically you dont even realise what you have or are doing & will justify & defend your crass actions until you are blue in the face, re writing history to suit your own ends & disrespecting anyone who tries to make a stand.

You've made phrases like Rare Soul an insult, people who defend the original ethos are slagged off & ridiculed, calling them amongst other derogatory terms the 'Soul Police'.  I'm almost ashamed to be part of what you call Northern Soul, something I was once proud to be an advocate of.  I thought that eventually, you would all crawl back under the stones that you emerged from, after your 20 - 30 year breaks, with your pathetic excuses of why you abandoned this once beautiful thing, but it seems to be getting worst....

There are still some pockets of real Rare Soul left, but its getting harder to justify seeking them out & travelling the distances that are involved.....35 years plus of pure unadulterated passion, supporting Soul Music venues, dancing, collecting, promoting, DJiing.  I have given up a lot of my life to this music one way or another, I have spent thousands of pounds, probably tens of thousands of pounds travelling, collecting, promoting venues etc, etc, just to see it plummet to the depths of lowest common denominator sh*te & to be laughed at by so called Soulies & the divs that will never actually get it....

I have had broken relationships, family rifts, been arrested,attacked & spent time in cells for numerous minor offences whilst travelling to & doing what we do, I've made & lost fortunes on record deals, travelled thousands & thousands of miles to venues up & down the country & internationally & you know what, I loved every bloody minute of it, it was all worth it, cos that is what we do....now because of what you have done & are continuing to do, I feel dirty to be asscotiated with it....

I'm not sure what I will do now, I need to reflect properly on everything, I was thinking about selling up & f*cking the lot of you off, let you get on with destroying everything that was once special, but maybe I will just take a sabatical until I feel a bit better about things, never thought it would come to this, you aint won, you will never win, because you are not what this scene is about, you are fake, the great pretenders, you know who you are & you should be ashamed of your selves....

Keep the Faith....what a joke, KOKO suckers lol...if there's owt left when you've finished, I may be back, until then I will be hiding in me rekkid room, you were right Dave, its still 1976....      

I like this post, it's got passion. I think it's something many of us feel on the back of some (not all) poor current observations and experiences. Somewhere along the line the 'scene' lost it's aggression in my opinion. We seem to want to portray a happy clappy image. I was terrified at my first nighters, and whilst agreeing with many above that it isn't all about Wigan, the casino was a scary place for a young skinny lad until you got recognised. But of course there's no money in terrifying venues. Russ, play a few tunes and think of good times to come, they may be hard to find but they're still out there, hang in there and put scary back into the scene!







You know what, its stuff like this, that has recently made me think very seriously about ending my asscotiation with the so called 'scene'.  I could never stop enjoying Soul Music, but I have always debated rigourously with anyone who will listen, that the 'scene' is a very important part of enjoying the music, particularly as we are talking about dance music here predominantly & IMHO opinion, its best enjoyed with like minded people in dark, sweaty clubs, with full dance floors & preferably off ya t*ts, talking bollox....

The fluffy, namby pamby, KTF returnees, wannabes, hand baggers & those that dont give a f*ck, so long as theyre making a few quid, have absolutely raped the real scene of any credibility & made it a laughing stock, something to be poked fun at & leaves those of us that do care about the REAL scene, if there is such a thing left now, cringing with embarrassment, has no one got any integrity left what so ever ???....you've virtually destroyed everything I loved about this scene & we're left with a pastiche of what was a great & respected music culture.....ironically you dont even realise what you have or are doing & will justify & defend your crass actions until you are blue in the face, re writing history to suit your own ends & disrespecting anyone who tries to make a stand.

You've made phrases like Rare Soul an insult, people who defend the original ethos are slagged off & ridiculed, calling them amongst other derogatory terms the 'Soul Police'.  I'm almost ashamed to be part of what you call Northern Soul, something I was once proud to be an advocate of.  I thought that eventually, you would all crawl back under the stones that you emerged from, after your 20 - 30 year breaks, with your pathetic excuses of why you abandoned this once beautiful thing, but it seems to be getting worst....

There are still some pockets of real Rare Soul left, but its getting harder to justify seeking them out & travelling the distances that are involved.....35 years plus of pure unadulterated passion, supporting Soul Music venues, dancing, collecting, promoting, DJiing.  I have given up a lot of my life to this music one way or another, I have spent thousands of pounds, probably tens of thousands of pounds travelling, collecting, promoting venues etc, etc, just to see it plummet to the depths of lowest common denominator sh*te & to be laughed at by so called Soulies & the divs that will never actually get it....

I have had broken relationships, family rifts, been arrested,attacked & spent time in cells for numerous minor offences whilst travelling to & doing what we do, I've made & lost fortunes on record deals, travelled thousands & thousands of miles to venues up & down the country & internationally & you know what, I loved every bloody minute of it, it was all worth it, cos that is what we do....now because of what you have done & are continuing to do, I feel dirty to be asscotiated with it....

I'm not sure what I will do now, I need to reflect properly on everything, I was thinking about selling up & f*cking the lot of you off, let you get on with destroying everything that was once special, but maybe I will just take a sabatical until I feel a bit better about things, never thought it would come to this, you aint won, you will never win, because you are not what this scene is about, you are fake, the great pretenders, you know who you are & you should be ashamed of your selves....

Keep the Faith....what a joke, KOKO suckers lol...if there's owt left when you've finished, I may be back, until then I will be hiding in me rekkid room, you were right Dave, its still 1976....      

Well said that man , every word , every line , every sentence , every paragraph bang on . And like you say Russ there are still them pockets of reality out there , don't give up on it Russ stay with it . After all,  those  venues are are what we want to keep up and running , and more importantly keep the clowns out .




You know what, its stuff like this, that has recently made me think very seriously about ending my asscotiation with the so called 'scene'.  I could never stop enjoying Soul Music, but I have always debated rigourously with anyone who will listen, that the 'scene' is a very important part of enjoying the music, particularly as we are talking about dance music here predominantly & IMHO opinion, its best enjoyed with like minded people in dark, sweaty clubs, with full dance floors & preferably off ya t*ts, talking bollox....

The fluffy, namby pamby, KTF returnees, wannabes, hand baggers & those that dont give a f*ck, so long as theyre making a few quid, have absolutely raped the real scene of any credibility & made it a laughing stock, something to be poked fun at & leaves those of us that do care about the REAL scene, if there is such a thing left now, cringing with embarrassment, has no one got any integrity left what so ever ???....you've virtually destroyed everything I loved about this scene & we're left with a pastiche of what was a great & respected music culture.....ironically you dont even realise what you have or are doing & will justify & defend your crass actions until you are blue in the face, re writing history to suit your own ends & disrespecting anyone who tries to make a stand.

You've made phrases like Rare Soul an insult, people who defend the original ethos are slagged off & ridiculed, calling them amongst other derogatory terms the 'Soul Police'.  I'm almost ashamed to be part of what you call Northern Soul, something I was once proud to be an advocate of.  I thought that eventually, you would all crawl back under the stones that you emerged from, after your 20 - 30 year breaks, with your pathetic excuses of why you abandoned this once beautiful thing, but it seems to be getting worst....

There are still some pockets of real Rare Soul left, but its getting harder to justify seeking them out & travelling the distances that are involved.....35 years plus of pure unadulterated passion, supporting Soul Music venues, dancing, collecting, promoting, DJiing.  I have given up a lot of my life to this music one way or another, I have spent thousands of pounds, probably tens of thousands of pounds travelling, collecting, promoting venues etc, etc, just to see it plummet to the depths of lowest common denominator sh*te & to be laughed at by so called Soulies & the divs that will never actually get it....

I have had broken relationships, family rifts, been arrested,attacked & spent time in cells for numerous minor offences whilst travelling to & doing what we do, I've made & lost fortunes on record deals, travelled thousands & thousands of miles to venues up & down the country & internationally & you know what, I loved every bloody minute of it, it was all worth it, cos that is what we do....now because of what you have done & are continuing to do, I feel dirty to be asscotiated with it....

I'm not sure what I will do now, I need to reflect properly on everything, I was thinking about selling up & f*cking the lot of you off, let you get on with destroying everything that was once special, but maybe I will just take a sabatical until I feel a bit better about things, never thought it would come to this, you aint won, you will never win, because you are not what this scene is about, you are fake, the great pretenders, you know who you are & you should be ashamed of your selves....

Keep the Faith....what a joke, KOKO suckers lol...if there's owt left when you've finished, I may be back, until then I will be hiding in me rekkid room, you were right Dave, its still 1976....      



That's an excellent post Russ and I totally agree with you. Still like to get out n about to venues up and down the country with like-minded folk. Closer to home in my county of Norfolk we're trying to retain the quality standard with ovo nights but it's become embarrassing with a local ceroc group holding a Northern/Motown night a few miles down the road. WTF??


Mark C:thumbsup: 



Hi Russ

Remember the days when people cared about the Scene, the hardcore element of the 8ts and 9ts plus 2000's. We were there and many more like us on here, i know who you are and what you stand for Russ.....you got my 100% support and agree totally with everything you said above. The Scene is dead long live the scene, well as we all once knew it.

Theres alot of illness out there as Carl Fortnum once said lol :yes:







You'll never manage to keep everyone happy Maryam, especially in promoting. There are some sharp keyboards and wits on here, but mostly people mean well, even if experience has taught us to be sceptical, or perhaps we started as sceptic and grew into grumpy.

There's no rules, similar to there is not a northern soul dance (I'm sure the BBC would like there to be a northern soul dance to show how to do it!). I think your best advice on here comes from Paultp above.

Be wary of a minibus pulling up that looks like it's come straight from the BBC wardrobe department, as you said above this night is 'out there now', not a night in the 70s. I cringe at the fancy dress portrayal often seen, together with the mock badges that claim membership of something people wish they had belonged to rather than engage with the northern soul scene circa 2015. Or perhaps the retro outfit is the NS scene 2015? 

Take note of Paultp's post above, and get ready for the flack IF it turns into another Oh FFS moment on TV. And please try to ensure anyone interviewed has some teeth in.

I only asked for one thing! is this the video https://www.facebook.com/midlandstoday/videos/10153482759004761/ All I asked for was teeth FFS!!!!



Has anyone been to this venue?

Is it any good?

Anyone got a play list?

Dave Rimmer


Check out some of the comments… dear god:facepalm:

I think this is the best by far

"Anyone Remember Wigan Pier. The Heart and Soul Venue of Northern Soul."



I think this is the best by far

"Anyone Remember Wigan Pier. The Heart and Soul Venue of Northern Soul."


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