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A Very Big Thank You from Billy and Karen Cragg - Charity Alldayer Lowton £3450 raised!

Am sure that many on here know Billy and Karen. Recently they passed on a letter asking it to be published on soul source..

Billy and Karen Cragg would like to say a very big THANK YOU to all the people who helped raise money at the Charity All Dayer at Lowton.
We are sorry for this delay in letting you know the total amount raised, but due to illness and waiting for monies to come in it has taken time to total the final amount.
Most of you will know that the charity event was to raise money for Arrow Park Hospital who cared for the short lives of our prematurely born grandchildren twins, Alfie and Alicia. 

Big thanks go to everyone on the soul scene that attended or contributed their services. A special thanks go to the people who donated money and prizes for the raffle, the DJs who played for free, Sam Evans who collected £300 whilst dj-ing. To Steve Thomas from Anglesey who raised £110 raffling an Everton strip and a Warrington Wolves rugby kit.  To Richard Searling, Kev Roberts and Soul Source for promoting their events on their radio shows and websites.

A big thank you to our dear friend Tommy Hunt (http://www.tommyhunt.co.uk) and his wife Mandy, also Johnny boy (http://johnnyboynorthernsoulsound.piczo.com) who gave their time to perform live on stage and help with the fund raising.

Thanks also to Roger Banks who gave us records to the value of £600 we passed them onto Chris Fletcher who said he would sell them for us on ebay . At this date we have not received any of the money from him and he is nowhere to be found!!!

We had a fantastic event and realized what lovely and supportive friends you all are helping us raise a WHOPPING £3,450

William and Nicola had a beautiful baby boy, Alden Alfie, born on the 19th December 2006, he is helping to ease our pain.

From both sets of grandparents, the proud parents and in the memory of Alfie and Alicia we Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Billy and Karen Cragg

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