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6ts 100 Club the 32 year pilgrimage

6ts 100 Club the 32 year pilgrimage magazine cover

It was a pilgrimage ! Down to worship our religion at the 32nd Anniversary of the 100 Club allnighters. On board we had Gospel Bob, Dave the Bishop Of Banbury, the Reverend Rimmer, Sister Sharon the dancing Nun, and Verger John.

Despite a late start we made good time down to London, with no hold ups for traffic. This was of course expected, we were on a Mission from God ! As we pulled up at the back of the 100 Club, Ady 'the Godfather' Croasdell was just arriving as well. We paid our respects, (although I told John that trying to kiss the hem of his robe was a little over the top), and I gave Ady a lift down the stairs with all the Anniversary singles. I did actually try to run off with one box, but he caught me.

I helped Trickster put the tables out, all fourteen of them, and then sat down with a beer to wait for the music to start. As with all the Anniversaries it was mostly Oldies, but less this year than others I felt. To be honest, Butch and Keith played pretty much their normal type of spots, Roger Stewart provided the link back to the early days of 6Ts by contributing a couple of good spots. Ady debuted the new Pied Piper recordings that he has recently unearthed (And there were such a lot of good, no, great tracks, that I can't wait for the CD), and that left Mick Smith.

For me, Mick Smith made the night. Three spots through the night, and he showed that if you want quality, rare Oldies, delivered with enthusiasm, this was the way to do a spot.

A new record was set as well. Where I sit selling records you can always tell how many of the women haven't been to the 100 Club before because they come towards the Gents toilet whilst looking for the Ladies. We count how many do it each Anniversary. Last year it was ten, this year there was a 33% increase, as the number rocketed up to thirteen. I often wonder how do these people hear about the Anniversary, and where do they get their tickets from ?

Talking of which, who the hell let the 6'5" East European in. Not only was he huge, he was completely hammered and kept asking if I had any Rolling Stones or Pink Floyd records for sale. Oh yeah, and kylee made a new friend who's extremely good at projectile vomiting !

The last laugh of the night came in McDonalds though. I introduced Charlie Mac from Banbury to Jessica from New York. He asked where she was from, and Jess replied Wales, where she has been living for several years now. You could see the cogs turning and the strong smell of burning as Charlie tried to associate Jess' strong New York accent with Wales. Eventually the look of confusion on Charlie's face was only cleared when he actually said "That's not a Welsh accent is it ?"

As always I thoroughly enjoyed the music, the company, and the Anniversary single. Well done to all the DJs, and everyone else who made the night such a success.


site info

the top photo is from Spirits soul source photo album

can view all pics and also John Westons pics from the nite via links below

and can read all the event discussion via soul source event guide entry 

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