4000+ Northern Soul Record Collection Auction News Item
December 5th 2016

Passed up to Soul Source by a member, word about a news article currently being run via the North East Uk based The Chronicle Newspaper website http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk that may be of interest.
The article is all about a collection of 4000+ northern 45s up for auction via North Shields auctioneers Featonby’s on December 5 2016.
The member has been informed on whose collection it may be but as the details are not definite and information is hard to find via the websites this does needs confirming before publishing.
Information such as auction details does seem a bit scarce on it all, so a good dig may be needed, but anyway here's the links
News Article on The Chronicle Live website
'A huge archive of Northern soul records amassed by a Tyneside devotee is to be auctioned amid international interest
The collector has been described as a legend in his field and would fly to the United States to find records and then have them shipped back to this country,” said auctioneer Darren...'
Featbys Auction Website
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