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2004 Here We Go......Its Gonna Be A Soulful Blast.

2004 Here We Go......Its Gonna Be A Soulful Blast. Here we are only a few days into the new year and it already promises to be another fantastic year for the UK Rare/Northern Soul scene with some mouthwatering events to look forward to. DJ bookings are coming my way thick and fast which is still a major passion of mine to play a few tunes at the gigs. Looking forward to playing THE BURY SOUL NIGHTS for Neil Jones and Jayne Malone on a more regular basis this year infact the first session there happens on Friday January 16th 2004 infact this event always runs on the third Friday of the month in two fantastic rooms. The pre buzz for the second NEW CENTURY SOUL CLUB ALLNIGHTER IN MANCHESTER on Saturday 31st January is all so very strong, with well over 700 people attending the first Allnighter back on December 6th last year this venue is without question going to be one of the major venues in the country this year. Great news that Ady Croasdell will be playing a set in the main room as hes in town to promote the new Kent cd Once Upon A Time In Wigan due for release in time for the national tour of Paul Sadots wonderful play of the same name. Other DJs set to appear include, TIM BROWN, ROBBO, DAVE RIMMER, MICK H, GARY COPE, JO WALLACE, KIDDO, MARK BICKNELL in room one, plus an extra special Wigan room featuring DAVE EVISON, STEVE WHITTLE, BRIAN RAE AND RUSS WINSTANLEY. Which is to celebrate the final night of the Manchester run of the play. The venue has had some wonderful feedback from everyone who attended the first night and we all feel things can only get bigger and better this year. Full details can be found on the flyer section of Soulsource with further updates here leading up to January 31st. Im really looking forward to the huge Midnight Hour weekender in March as this promises to be one of the leading venues anywhere in the UK this year, well over 2,000 people booked already and its still a couple of months off so I suggest you book now as Im sure this one is going to sell out prior to the event, again you can find full details here on Soulsource....see you in North Wales! My Solar Radio Show has now been moved to a new time slot which goes out on Friday nights between midnight and 2am instead of the 8am Sunday morning slot, same quality madness from me playing all the very best in Northern Soul and more, its on Channel 879 On SKY DIGITAL and www.solarradio.com For any requests, mentions, dedications you can send an email to studio@solarradio.com A big thank you to everyone who has supported the show over the past three years and for the hundreds of emails recieved, it really makes the whole deal worth it when you know there are a few people out there tuning in. RECORD WANTED - HELP! Mick H recently guested at THE LIME STREET CLUB in Manchester back on December 27th and basically blew everyone away, the mans taste in music is simply first class and Mick is going to be yet again one of the top men on the scene this year. Hes playing a record by STORMY WINTERS - LIFE SAVER ON MERCURY which totally floored me let me tell you, I think Ive heard it way back a couple of times possibly played by Butch but this has to be located and included in my DJ box at whatever cost, already got a couple of contacts onto this one but if anyone can ease the pain please get in touch with me......cash waiting! Please note the the LIME STREET SOUL NIGHTS HAVE NOW MOVED FROM THE LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH TO THE LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH with the next one being there on FRIDAY JANUARY 30TH with all the regular DJs plus special guest Chris Churm. The scene has it all right now, loads of top quality events to attend, a real dedicated bunch of hard working DJs out there playing all the top tunes, sure venues are going to clash from time to time but the scene is in such good shape with possibly more people attending venues than ever before even with the odd clash Im sure all venues will do well throughout 2004. Nationwide it could not be better, long may it continue,grow bigger and last for many years to come. Keep It Real - Happy New Year - Mark Bicknell. My Mistake - I Take It All A Bit Too Serious Sometimes. Totally cool now and glad the bootleg feature is now closed, it got a bit heated with myself and another chap and all a bit personal, i cant believe this topic had over 1000 hits and seems to be a very heart felt subject. I said that i cant be bothered anymore regarding posts on Soulsource but really meant on that particular topic, sorry to that person again if i was rude,costic or even hostile towards his comments but we will have to agree to disagree on this one fellow. Collectors just take it all to heart when their passion is messed about with , best we just enjoy our Soul the best way we can within our budgets and i promise not to go near the bootleg issue again well not on Soulsource anyway. I really had no idea that you valued my contribution to this website so much and for that reason i can not let Mike H or everyone else down and will continue to submit copy if you want me to that is. Regards - MARK BICKNELL mike- Posted: 2004/1/6 2:10 Updated: 2004/1/6 2:10 team member Joined: 2002/8/26 From: Posts: 2244 Online! Re: My Mistake - I Take It All A Bit Too Serious Sometimes. Mark and everyone All contributiors are valued on here, the whole site is based on soul fans sharing, reading,talking and passing on news, info, views on all aspects of this scene of ours As a regular contributor your articles bring yet another aspect to the site, same as all the regular and the not so regular contributions do be it weekly articles, event info, ads, comments or a quick question or joke all adds to site and is appreciated by meself and hopefully all rest who drop in Guest Posted: 2004/1/6 13:36 Updated: 2004/1/6 13:36 Re: heads up and onwards&upwards Too right Mike.... Mark never mind all those idiots who have a pop under the name guest, they havent got the bottle to sign their views. I let people a few months back get to me but no more, I might not be involved with the scene as i useed to be but im still collecting records and love going into soul source everyday and reading new stuff. keep it real and keep up the good work with your articles. By the way that Stormy Wynters track has been round for years on a tape from Bill Nadolney (american record dealer). He sent a sales tape out to loads of uk collectors back in the mid 9ts and this was the first track on the tape. A few people got upset when i&others verbally uncovered it after hearing butch had it c/up LOL but hey then Mick H went out and got one a few weeks later. Its hard but will turn up in time....its not like its on a rare label. Keep your money matey ps any chance of some semi known record reviews? cheapies etc. carefree Greg :-) Guest Posted: 2004/1/6 21:00 Updated: 2004/1/6 21:00 Re: heads up and onwards&upwards Cheers Greg... as always respect to a top man, thanks for the information on Stormy Winters track already onto one mate so your comments are possibly correct being a semi major lable etc. Fantastic record though...right up my street. Regards - Mark Bicknell. Greg will review some stuff off the bottom rack which may be of interest to you and others.......coming soon. chalky Posted: 2004/1/11 23:21 Updated: 2004/1/11 23:21 Hardest Joined: 2002/11/15 From: Chesterfield Posts: 649 Re: heads up and onwards&upwards Regarding the Stormy Wynters, the copy Mick H got is Butchs copy...so in essence one didnt turn up. Only know of that one and the one Tim Brown owns. Guest Posted: 2004/1/11 23:26 Updated: 2004/1/11 23:26 Re: heads up and onwards&upwards Cheers Chalky, Makes the chase even more fun, not saying ill get one but will have fun trying mate. regards - Mark Bicknell. chalky Posted: 2004/1/12 16:52 Updated: 2004/1/12 16:52 Hardest Joined: 2002/11/15 From: Chesterfield Posts: 649 Re: heads up and onwards&upwards Forgot to mentiuon Mark that Tim reviewed the record in Manifesdo (I think) and there is a scan. Butch just started playing another, Gerri Taylor - Its Beautiful covered up but its far better than Life Saver, superb IMO. Chalkster Guest Posted: 2004/1/12 18:00 Updated: 2004/1/12 18:00 Re: heads up and onwards&upwards Chalky all due respect mate but thats not the case. mark B has alrreay been offered one and i know a mate who has one in the south. I got offer one myself by a dealer in the states but too much wanted and i think andy dyson has one as he played it at notts union. unless everyone is selling the same copy then this is not the case. rest easy greg Guest Posted: 2004/1/13 0:19 Updated: 2004/1/13 0:19 Re: heads up and onwards&upwards Hi Greg, forgot about Andys oops!!! I did say I only knew about Mick Hs (Butchs copy) and Tims. Didnt know about your mates or the one youve been offered. Like you said they will turn up but personally dont think many will. The more the better IMO as more folk then get to hear it.... though hope it doesnt get hammered. So that make six copies then known about????

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