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16 Years of Fun - Soul Source 1997-2013

16 Years of Fun - Soul Source 1997-2013 magazine cover

Last month (Aug 2013) saw Soul Source hit the 16 years old mark.

August 1997 being the official start up date of the site


That makes it 16 years of fun and games... dunno if another 16 be just as much fun :rofl:


Did mean to mention it last month as it was a sort of "what... are you sure" type thing, but it slipped by.


Mentioning now as just like to make sure I pass on big thanks to all those who have made it what it is :thumbsup:





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Nice one and thanks Mike :hatsoff2: its the only soul site I bother with and it keeps me in touch with whats happening the depth of knowlege is staggering and the debates are fun :thumbup:

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Wow sixteen years!  :thumbsup:


I have been a member of this fine site for half that time, but in that time, I have met lots of good people, I have bought and sold plenty of records, I have read, sometimes in amazement some of the articles in the fantastic 'Look At Your Box' and 'All About The Soul' sections. All in all very enjoyable and worthwhile, which is the whole point of the site.


Big thanks and hats off to Mike :hatsoff2:  and everyone involved in Soul Source. Keep up the good work! 

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Major achievement especially with the rise of general social media sites.....only started coming on for events as you have the market cornered on that but the other benefits in news, trades, and most of all information about the music itself via the site staff and members is remarkable really.


Don't know what I'd do without it now

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Yes well done to all involved, and to everyone who 'has the nerve' to contribute! :D


.......Why is it so blo*dy addictive?!


One of the many great things about the site for me, is that it keeps us all in touch. Some folk I haven't seen since my '100 Club years' (before kidz) but I often 'chew the cud' with them on here, also I get to communicate with people that I wouldn't otherwise get chance to get to know - Great stuff.


All the best,


Len :thumbsup: 

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Congratulations Mike. I think I first visited about 14/15 years ago. Your early reviews of the London soul nights helped to get me out and about, especially with the lifts back from the Dome!

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Well done Mike, excellent site, bringing you joy and ANGER in equal measures at times but really has helped keep the scene moving forward and informed. BTW do you still look like 'The Master' from the early Doctor Who series??  :D  I'll get my hat x 

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To Mike and all the moderators,


Congratulations and a big thank you for all the hard work and effort put in. Enjoyable, informative and helpful, plus many other complimentary words. Keep up the excellent work.



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Well done Mike, it's always been a great site, the contributors in the main sections have been second to none, and the 'alternative sections' have always given me a great deal of pleasure, what's the old saying? Something for everyone  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

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Well done Mike and moderators.  I only joined a few years back. But I often tell people about the site when referring to events and articles. 


So well done all! 


and dealing with all unwanted/ undesirable comments, can't be easy - and developing and improving the site throughout the past 16 years!!




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The whole thing works on every level provided you drop your angst off on the way in.

We are so fortunate that Mike and his team have created such a powerful medium for the music that we love.

Long may it continue.

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Echo the sentiment of all the above. It certainly is habit forming, it makes for a break from work and my partner now actually believes me when I say I'm just on Soul Source again! Thank you to Mike and all involved.

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I have to admit when Mike first started this site I was a reluctant joiner. I'd had so much fun out of the old Soul Talk list that I thought we were going to lose rather than gain when Mike set this up. How wrong could I have been ?!

I changed my home page to Soul-Source within a week of joining and that's how it's remained ever since, much to my wife's anger

Here's to another 16 years mate, though I doubt we'll all be around to witness it, but if we are I hope we're still argueing about whether it's a legal second issue or just a bootleg, or that a rave review by the promoter of a venue isn't worth the megabytes it's written on.

(also congrats to all the folk, past & present, who've stood as Mods, the single most thankless task ever)

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Got to say I tend to go straight to the site when I switch on,

joined twice before ? couldn't remember password! der?

But have always thought how informative the site is,well done you lot. Richo

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Wow 16 years! Congratulations Mike on the best Music related site on the internet.

I have been a member for around 13 of those years with a couple of different user names. I also had a spell on the moderation team so I appreciate the work involved in the Back room. It definitely isn't a job for the faint hearted! Phew some of you lot would have an argument in a cardboard box!


It sounds mad but I really don't think my life would have been the same without Soul Source. As well as meeting my husband on here (well I had seen him about but not spoken to him), I've also met loads of people from all over the UK and abroad who I never would have spoken to otherwise (being a bit of a shy old bird), people who now consider to be lifelong friends. So much mischief has been had after wine o'clock (sorry Mike); late night drunken threads with Mandy, Dave (rip) and Kirsty S amongst others, the short lived chat rooms, Ian Levinegate, the SSCDT and later the SSLAAS. Poor Karen the midnight moderator had her work cut out!


Nice one Michael, hopefully see you around soon! :-)

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I thought the site was for dullards with no life when my partner at the time used to tell me about soul source, then one day I dipped my toe in and started a life of trawling the rare soul scene in all its glory.. It helped me get my events really up and running and bringing together a bunch of folk who have become mates for life...Had a short stint at the moderation side, not an easy task as you have to eyes in the back of your head, hats off to all the team.....Its soul or nothing... x

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Likewise from Me Mike.

As someone who doesn't get about much now its invaluable for me for keeping in touch with the scene and old friends. And of course, for buying and selling and hearing records which would have escaped me otherwise.

I'll be expecting to see your name in the New Years Honours List sometime soon Mike. Well done.

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As a relative novice on here for 2yrs i hope i'll still be hear in

another 16yrs & then i'll be a vet of this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :wicked:


Well done Mike & the Mods  :thumbsup:


atb Kev  :D

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I've been on for 9 years, although I noticed recently that my join date had changed. It was 25th December, now it says 26th. :(


I was proud that I was on Soul Source on Christmas Day. :lol:


Didn't the site run by Mike before this used to be called The Drunken Monkey?

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Bravo to you and all the mods who have made this site the go-to place for rare soul, thank you! At times you need the patience of a saint and the diplomatic skills of.... Er... a diplomat. You all do a fantastic job and we really appreciate it. In the midst of spats and bans and troubles please never forget that. Da iawn!!


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