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Win Bridlington Weekender Tickets Supporting Help For Heroes and World Record Attempt


You could win tickets for the Bridlington Weekender in a charity prize draw for Soul Source members to help raise money for Help for Heroes.

Two pairs of Bridlington Weekender tickets for the prize draw have been very kindly donated by the East Coast Soul Collective.

As well as being a life time collector of rare soul records, Soul Source member Richard Johnstone (a.k.a. Premium Stuff) is also keen martial artist.

On 31 March, Richard and a team from his Kung Fu School led by Si-Fu Julian Hitch will be attempting to set a new Guinness World Record for participating in the World's longest ever continuous martial arts class.

The group aims to train continuously for an unbelievable 36 hours and hopes to raise a minimum of £20,000 for Help for Heroes, making a real difference to those injured from our Armed Forces.

Each member of the team will train continuously for the full 36 hours - or until they drop! This is not a relay event!

To enter the prize draw to win a pair of tickets to the Bridlington Weekender all you have to do is:

1) Make a donation (minimum £5 please - but more if you wish) on Richard's fundraising page at:


2) Then send a Private Message with your name and address to Richard (Premium Stuff) on Soul Source so he can register you into the prize draw.

The winners of the two pairs of tickets will be announced on Soul Source in the week commencing Monday 2 April - shortly after the Guinness World Record attempt.

All Soul Source members who have already donated will be automatically entered into the prize draw.

The Bridlington Northern Soul Weekender will take place on Friday 22nd - Sunday 24th June 2012. Tickets priced at an amazing £25 each are available now online from the Bridsoul website http://www.bridsoul.com, The Spa Box Office (no booking fee) Tel: 01262 67825, and by post from ECSC, PO BOX 590, CUDWORTH, BARNSLEY S72 8WX.

Richard would like to thank Pat Brady, Robert Wickes and Rob Wigley of the East Cost Soul Collective for generously donating the tickets for the prize draw and for supporting him in this exceptional endurance challenge.

Thank you and good luck!

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