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Wilton Allnighter Sept 2nd 2011 cancelled - next one 11th Nov 2011

Wilton Allnighter Sept 2nd 2011 cancelled - next one 11th Nov 2011 magazine cover

The Wilton Allnighter scheduled for September 2nd is cancelled.

The next allnighter at the Wilton will be re scheduled for Friday 11th November 2011.

Details and DJ line-up for the November date will be arranged later.

As a suggestion made by many of you, we may have just three or possibly four allnighters next year, provided we are able to continue.

Our 18th Anniversary was a packer - such a great night, THANK YOU!!

But numbers were down again in July.

The earlier start & finish times of 9.00pm - 4.30am adopted in July had a mixed reception, but the majority thought it was a success.

We have said this before - "We just need to balance the books, not make a profit, and the Wilton Allnighters will continue".


Dave (Boxy)

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