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Anyone planning on going to Valatone tonight dont. The venue has been double-booked. Please spread the word were trying to call as many as possible but wed hate for anyone to have a wasted journey. Cheers, Johnny Unfortunately was out all last nite, so couldnt approve the above posting. So may just be a bit late! Know Johnny tried many means to spread the word including posting info in event guide, using internet discussion list and all that and said was going to stand at enterance and explain. Unfortunate and hopefully most/all got informed, Though havent seen Johnny for a while heard he is still a all-round good guy (someone described him as that cockney with a rockabilly haircut during his recent irish visit) who has put a lot of effort into this event and am sure he offers apoligies to anyone caught out. Still the soul goes on, the 100 club Dec Niter saw the farewell to Shifty, Tef and Sharon, Of course reports of last nites going ons are most welcome, been a while since had any reports from here, so before you play those 45s picked up, search for that flyer with that oh so important phone number, how about sending in your view on nite : short or long we dont mind. In a "spirit of the blitz" style any soul types unfortunate to get caught out, let us know what did you do instead?? did you go down to the underground and sing cockney singsongs with other sheltering soulies or maybe got legless in that sterile winebar as always pass them views/reports on! While posting could be considered a way of supporting soul source , it could be even considered greater, as any post instantly adds content to site, giving the next visitor more to read, who by that post may be encouraged to reply and so on..... so when you come back instead of just seeing the same articles, there may be a hotbed of disccusion, views, info all awaiting you! Go on - post - its the way ahead :)

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