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This Thing Of Ours Weekender is almost here!

Just a quick note to remind all those soul boys&girls out there in cyber land that this weekend sees the 17th annual SOUL weekender at Ye Olde Rising Sun (located in the high street), Southgate from 11am-11.30pm.

Entry is FREE and there are a whole host of groovy DJs giving their service free in aid of Randy Cozens birthday, inc Ady C, Mike Ritson, the Letchworth boys (Mick Smith, Taffy and TheBigO) and a whole load more.

SOUL SOUL and more SOUL is the order of the weekend and they are always a riot (and we mean exactly that!!) So give Londons best kept secret a try and come and experience Soulgate for yourself and find out why regulars have been flocking back year after year to hear anthems like Teddy Pendergrass I just called to say; Millie Jackson Dont send nobody else, Bobby Kline Say something nice to me...the list goes on and on and all played at Southgate first before being picked up on the nighter scene.

See ya there - TheBigO

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