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The Soul Club Returns New Allnighter Coming Very Soon

Coming up to three years ago in August 'The Soul Club' presented what turned out to be a one off Droylsden reunion Allnighter which was very well attended and despite one or two sound system problems proved to be a great night, sadly for one reason and another follow up sessions never happened, add this to being less involved with the Northern Scene from a personal perspective in recent times due to familyand personal commitments I certainly have taken a back seat, having said that the passion and desire for the music has never left me really and I still dabble in the records and guess that never leaves you does it.

I have been given the oppurtunity to host a new allnight session in a perfect cellar club venue and subject to the licence the first Allnighter will happen on Saturday August 18th 2012 (it would appear after checking the events guide here on Soul Source that there is no other Allnighters booked in the area that night) so although there is just a little over a month to promote this I feel it's worth a shot, subject to conformation DJ's approached so far include Cliff Steele, Ted Massey, Ian Cunliffe, Phil T, Nige Brown, Dolly with more to be added to the rosta on rotation and myself to act as warm up DJ for the night as I know my place now not having some of the shall we say trophy records left, it is my intention to host this on a regular monthly basis subject to checking with other promotions to try and avoid clashing when possible, the music policy is simple AUTHENTIC Northern Soul with no agenda other than being played by some of the best people I know, I'm not gonna start spouting this venue will be the biggest and the best or we will be playing underplayed, lesser played, ujnknows or bog standard oldies what I will say is every effort will be made to supply the best possible quality music and the policy will be dictated by the people who attend and support the venue,DJ's will be booked on merrit,collection, entertainment value and most importantly be authentic in everyway.


Full details on the venue, location, details will follow early next week subject to conformation of DJ's/venue and everything else being in place, Northern Soul events have been tried and run at this venue and I would like to personally thank the previous promoters for their efforts and commitment, it is with the blessing of the owner of the venue that I have been given the oppurtunity to dip my toe back into running an event, every effort will be made to promote this event in a proper and professional manner, an open invitation will be going out to other Allnighter promoters as a gesture of good faith.

'The Soul Club' Memberships will be valid for the new event but if you require a free membership and full details of the event pleaee send a SAE to The Soul Club, 32 Bakewell Avenue, Ashton Under Lyne, Lancashire, Ol6 9BP.

The Allnighter will run from approx 9pm through to 6am To be confirmed and admission will be £10.00.

For further information please feel free to contact me via bicknellmark@aol.com or via PM here, Telephone 0161 330 6267 Text/Mobile 07870610907

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