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The 100 Club is back!

The 100 Club is back!

I hope I am putting this into the right place, my first thoughts where to add to the look backs section but in the light of the 100 Club thread some time ago with Ady having concerns at numbers dropping and the real fear of the club closing down, I thought it appropriate to let people know what it's the real state of play as far as this wonderful and very important club.

We got a car full from the South Yorkshire Soul Searchers, great way to split the fuel costs and company is always good on a long journey from Sheffield to the Smoke.

We arrived, found free and easy parking and strolled around the corner to Oxford Street and The 100 Club. There was a crowd outside, great sight and one of the taken for granted sights of yester year!

The mood was infectious with smiles and warm handshakes and none of the perceived London standoffishness, a real Allnighter with the real deal in the house!

Clambering down those famous stairs and bang! The place is rammed and quite simply vibrant!! Is this really The 100 Club that was struggling last summer??

I promise you al faithfully that I am neither exaggerating nor am I on any agenda, The 100 Club is back!

The healthy mix of young and old and the complete crossing over from genre to genre that represents the best of what was and is British youth culture is finely represented and celebrated by The 100 Club but that is just the backdrop, the real fabric that holds all this together like some kind of funky glue is the music and it is here that the magic happens!

I am a regular Allnighter goer and most Allnightrers have their own flavour, The 100 Club if I am to be honest with myself, lost a bit of "Shine" for a while, or was it that the competition woke up? I am not sure but I am sure as eggs are eggs, The 100 Club is back with a beautiful vengeance!

My tip for this year is, get off yer bottoms and get to the oldest running Allnighter in the world, go to The 100 Club, you will not be disappointed I promise.

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