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Stateside Soul Stubshaw Returns 2020 - Bill Cragg Memorial

Stateside Soul Stubshaw Returns 2020 - Bill Cragg Memorial magazine cover

Stateside Soul Stubshaw Returns 2020 - Bill Cragg memorial

Stateside Soul is back at Stubshaw first date March 28th 8pm till 3am

Other dates to follow on Soul events

To old friends and new we welcome you to 7 hours of the best in NS, RnB, across the board from the Stateside crew, same as before playing for you the people that matter.

The first one is to raise a few bob to help pay Billy Cragg's funeral expenses so let’s make it a Soulful experience in remembering Billy and yourselves having a great night,

hope to see you all there


ML and AMc


Billy Cragg RIP Topic



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