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Soul Togetherness USA 2013 Chicago

Soul Togetherness USA 2013 Chicago magazine cover

A quick pass on of a event occuring in Chicago

March 30th, 2013 - The Globe, Chicago IL

The blurb says

In 2012, I made a wish:

“For all the awesome dudes and ladies who have amazing record collections to get together for one night, in a public place, and play records together without worrying about getting paid, whos playing what, or how cool it may make you look. I know its a long shot, but we have until march to work it out.”

And finally, this dream has come true.

Some of the best Soul & Jamaican oldies DJs from Chicago and beyond will unite, for 1 night, and play some of the best Rare & Northern Soul, Modern Soul, Crossover, Funk, Latin Soul, Sweet Soul, Classic Reggae, Rocksteady and Ska.

website tells you more....


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