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1305 articles


    We are pleased to confirm that Arthur will be our guest on 11th December at ViVos 17 Watling Street London EC4 Don't forget that this Saturday we op…
  2. Arthur Miles to perform at 12th North Lancs Soul Festival

    More than 30 top Soul DJ's and radio presenters in 3 rooms over 3 days PLUS the legendary Arthur Miles for Early Bird Tickets of just £15 (with NO BOO…

    Ashby Allnighter Location- North Street,Ashby-De-La-Zouch, Leics. SATURDAY 31st JANUARY 04.Admission is £10.00 OTD. Licenced bar ti…
  4. Ashby Allnighter (South Derbyshire Soul Club)

    Hi all, Tickets now available for the South Derbyshires 1st Anniversary which so happens to be an allnighter. The venue is the Ashby War Memoria…

    After a meeting held with the Ashby Social Club regarding the Soul Allnighter the club has cancelled all future allnighters which include Febuary 28th…

    Saturday 13th December.Ashby War Memorial Club,North Street,Ashby-De-La-Zouch,Leicestershire.Enquiries 01283 819397. Times 10pm - 7am. DJ Line-U…
  7. Ashby Niter Finished??

    Out and about heard that the recently started up niter at Ashby Ashby-De-La-Zouch,Leicstershire is no more. Note news not offical as didnt come fro…
  8. Ashby Soul Night - niter??

    Hi all, With the closure of the Bretby Allnighter in October this year i am currently in negotiations with the Ashby War Memorial Club about the poss…
  9. Atlantic Starr Announced for Jan 2013 Luxury Weekender

    Just a quick pass on of event news and a reminder. First the pass on of news that Atlantic Starr will be apperaing at 2013 January Weekender Event Gui…
  10. Aug 11th - Final Amlwch Allnighter - Aug 11 2012

    The Final Amlwch Allnighter August 2012 Steve T has passed on that the Amlwch social club is shutting its doors in October this year, so it looks l…
  11. August Bank Holiday Weekend! A NC Double Header feat Wigan Allnighter and Wolves Soul Nite

    Double Northern Soul Header - Allnighter and Soul Nite!This month of August we have a Double Header of events on offer, first off we are in Wolverhamp…
  12. Back After 30 Years - Hesc Manchester Ritz Reunion All-Dayer

    Well it's taken 30 years but the Heart Of England Soul is back at The Manchester Ritz for an All-Dayer! The event is promoted by Music & Media Cons…
  13. BADDA BING! GOODFELLAS NIGHT run by a good friend of ours

    The North Herts Family are pleased to announce that the Soulgate Mob are having a Goodfellas Night on New Years Eve at the White Hart, Chase Road, Sou…
  14. Baltic Soul #8 May 2014 Newletter

    Baltic Soul Weekender #8 takes place 23-25 May this year 2014 A quick grab of the line up...
  15. Baltic Soul Weekender 10 - April 2016

    2016 Baltic Weekender #10, info and lineup...
  16. Baltic Soul Weekender 2012 News Update

    Latest update newsletter from the Baltic Soul People Who would have thought it? It'll be Xmas in 20 days time. And there's more. A week later it wi…
  17. Baltic Soul Weekender 4 - 23rd April 2010 News and Info

    Baltic Soul Weekender 4 - 23rd -25th April 2010 Houston, we have a Line-Up. Firstly, we'd like to say thanks for your faith and dedication resulting…
  18. Bangor and Wrexham Tonite

    Seems all roads are leading to one of the big events of the year this weekend "The Togetherness Weekender" So a bit quiet event wise...? Two eve…
  19. Bangor Playlists

    Just to underline review, heres some of the stuff that went down A selection of plays from Bangor Social Soul Nite 5 from Kev Murphy Mayfield …
  20. Bangor Soul At Social - Fri 7 feb

    Another soul event on North Wales Coast and yet another enjoyable nite, it was time for a trip thru tunnel to Bangor Social. Bit quiet at first, d…
  21. Bangor Tonite - Soul at the Social - Tonite

    A Shout if in North Wales area Soul at the Social is on at Bangor City Social Club Great Social Soul Nite- Djs inc Bob Schaffer, Mark Morgan and mo…
  22. Bank Holiday Allnighter London Sun 24th May - The Whole Thing

    Bank Holiday Allnighter London Sun 24th May - The Whole Thing 'Word reaches us of a fresh niter for the capital that promises to de…
  23. Bank Holiday Sunday AllNighter North Wales

    Line up, directions and latest info on Bank Holiday Sunday Nighter Amlwch all-niter Isle of anglesey sun/mon 28th august 9.00 p.m till 7.00 a.…
  24. Barraloadasoul 2015

    Latest word on the upcoming alldayer in Glasgow
  25. Bells Ringing At Notre Dame - Scenesville

    Friday 17th August at Notre Dame Hall,DJs Andy Rix, Chris Dale, Dawn Brown and Nick Driveller Brown with special guest TONY

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