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1305 articles

  1. 2 weeks to go to Plinston 1st Anniversary Bash!

    Afternoon all and time for a shameless plug for our forthcoming event (At least Im honest) at North Herts No 1 Rare Soul club - The Plinston Hall
  2. 20 Current Plays from Big Daddy Shack

    Mark Bicknells current plays now and in the future. Thought it would be nice to list a few current and future plays out of DJ box one in time for a co…
  3. 2005 dates Lifeline Rare Soul All-nighter

    dates for 2005 Lifelines Ok due to the success of the Lifeline Rare Soul All-nighters the promoters Andy & Mick have booked the dates for 2005. …
  4. 2006 Dates For The Plinston Soul Events

    At last, things return to normal in TheBigO's household and we have now confirmed the dates for this years supersoulfultastic events at North Herts no…
  5. 2007 dates for A Cellarfull of Soul Wolverhampton

    Me and Hitsville Chalky have just finalised the dates for 2007 for A Cellarfull of Soul at The Connaught Hotel Wolverhampton which will be run on a mo…
  6. 2008 6TS Northern and Modern Soul Weekender at Cleethorpes Line Up!

    The 2008 6TS Northern and Modern Soul Weekender at Cleethorpes boasts an impressive three act live performance at midnight on the Saturday all-nighter…
  7. 2011-01-22: Burnley Allnighter, The Kestral Suite 1 2 3 4 7

    Event Title: BURNLEY ALLNIGHTER, THE KESTRAL SUITE Event Author: Sean Haydon Calendar: Allnighter/Weekenders Event Date: Sat 22 January 2011 -----…
  8. 2011-03-10: The Prestatyn Weekender - March 10th - 14th 2011 1 2 3 4 8

    A highlight of the upcoming Prestayn Weekender thread, not just who's going but full of artist news, articles info and history on the various rooms/c…
  9. 2015 Detroit Legends at Cleethorpes

    6TS is proud to announce that the live acts for Cleethorpes this year will be...
  10. 2020 - 6Ts 100 Club Allnighter Dates

    All the latest up to date dates for all the 100 Club allnighters 2020 follow below
  11. 27 Dec - Monkeys Xmas Box - 2 rooms 11 Djs - Rare Soul Feast

    Monkeys Xmas Box Yes its all jacked up for the 27 Dec and were going for a Monkey xmas feast ! Regular djs Andy Rix (returning to do the monkey af…
  12. 2nd Camel Niter this Friday

    Unfortunately due to events involved with, and my oh so reliable car, didnt make the first niter last month, didnt even manage to get out of wales nev…
  13. 2nd Shrewsbury Soul Night Fri June 24th Tomorrow!

    Northern Soul Night at The Regency Suite The Lord Hill Hotel in Shrewsbury. DJ's Mark Jones, Chic and Neil Felton Great Wooden dancefloor....quality…
  14. 3rd Anniversary at Union Club Nottingham - Free Cd -This Friday!!!

    Word from Mick H that one of the most respected quality rare soul nites is doing its 3rd year thing this Friday , heres the score UNION CLUB NOTTIN…
  15. 3rd Annual Catacombs get together - Sat 12th July 2008 - Soulvation @Lea Hall, Rugely

    A word from Neil Rushton on the upcoming 3rd Annual Reunion this Saturday July 12th featuring a Catacombs line up which includes Graham Warr. …
  16. 40 Years of Soul, Sweat and Talc - Annual Soulvation bash at Lea Hall Dec 30th

    40 YEARS OF SOUL, SWEAT AND TALC ON THAT FAMOUS DANCELOOR A Midlands club is celebrating 40 years of Soul music played at the venue with a sp…
  17. 4th Rare Soul Allnighter at Bidds Stoke

    Saturday 23rd December 2006 is the date for the 4th Rare Soul allnighter at BIDDS, Sutherland Road, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, ST3 1JB 9.00 p…
  18. 5 plays from John Weston last monkey

    often find strange long lost things when digging into my wallet, heres something discovered in the folds that can actually read   5 plays from John We…
  19. 5th Anniversary All-nighter Golborne Catholic club(Soul Heaven)

    5th Anniversary All-nighter -20th April 2002. Djs Dean Mitchell, Carl (Demo)Willingham. Dave&Ian Brown, Alan Barnes (Viaduct) Ian Cunli…
  20. 6Ts / Valatone 100 Club Extravaganza! Saturday 12th Aug

    Stop Press News 6Ts / Valatone 100 Club Extravaganza Due to an unexpected cancellation of the live jazz act for the early evening session at the 100…
  21. 6TS 100 Club 2018 Events Heads Up

    6TS at the 100 Club dates and heads up on all things 2018
  22. 6TS 100 Club 32nd Anniversary Inc Kent - Pied Piper World Debuts

    6TS 100 Club 32nd Anniversary Incorporating Kent / Pied Piper Productions world debuts Ace / Kent records are proud to announce that they have sig…
  23. 6TS 100 Club future dates 2022 & 2023

    A very rough and quick 100 Club 2022/3 crib card pass on...
  24. 6ts 100 Club Jan 20th All Nighter Cancelled

    Fellow Soul Sourcers, I just sent the following out to all my mailing list, it speaks for itself. It is with great sadness and a fair amount of sho…
  25. 6TS 100 Club London future plans & 2020 date switch

    With the 40th anniversary looming, I’ve considered the future of the 6TS all-nighters at the 100 Club. They have run very well ...

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