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New Century Soul - Last Radcliffe Allnighter & New Venue Info

New Century Soul - Last Radcliffe Allnighter  & New Venue Info magazine cover

Well folks they are knocking Radcliffe Civic Suite down so on Boxing Day December 26th we will be hosting our last Radcliffe Allnighter!

Future Dates in 2016 for our new venue the 'Bury Town Hall' will be...

Launch night May 28th 2016
July 30th, Nov 26th and Boxing Day 26th Dec 2016


The Last Radcliffe Boxing Day Allnighter details are as follows

New Century Soul Manchester Allnighter Boxing Day December 26th

Main Hall
DJ's Calvin Lee Hughes, Chris Waterman, Jordan Wilson, Tony Mac, Bob Hinsley, Sean Haydon, Dick Krop, Andy Garside and Maria & Carl Willingham...
Room Two
Time Out: 10pm til 6am with Andrew Dyson, Soul Sam, Hoss Watson, Brian Phillips, Matt Sneath Mick H, Stuart Raith, Trusty and Stu CheethamRoom Three
Modern Room:10pm till 5.30 with Ed Db, David Bell, Sammy Dee, Richi Rich, Gibby Gibby and James Cairns

Further details are on our website



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