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Lifeline June 30th Allnighter Cancelled

Lifeline June 30th Allnighter Cancelled magazine cover

I'm sorry to say but this night has been cancelled. There is an abundance of major soul events on during June and in our opinion the scene cannot sustain the amount of events being promoted so Lifeline has decided with missing April we will take an extended break and miss June as well.

We will return in August.

It is absolutely crazy the current situation, how long it can carry on we don't know.

There is Cleethorpes this month which has been going for nearly 20 years (a weekend I wouldn't miss). Manchester decided last year to put on a weekend and are doing the same again. Besides this there is Bridlington.

There is also an extended Bank Holiday with added nighters and dayers, your regular all-nighters and your usual monthly events. It all adds up to much IMO, not enough punters to go round, many who are feeling the pinch with the recession as it is.

I'm not sure how much money promoters think ordinary people have but the situation is getting ridiculous.

As I said rest assured Lifeline will be back in August. One guest is finalised, another to be confirmed. As soon as all is confirmed i will post details.


image © Pauline Eccles cc-by-sa

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