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In Memory Of Joe Dutton

In Memory Of Joe Dutton magazine cover

Posted on behalf of Shane Higgins....

As many of you will know, we lost our good friend Mr Joe Dutton earlier this year.

To celebrate the life and times of the great man himself, we are having big party here in Sheffield next Spring.

Sunday 1st May 2016
(Bank holiday weekend)

Yellow Arch Studios
Burton Rd


Full details to follow but I can confirm there will be a strong DJ line up playing a wide spectrum of soul music. The King Bee sounds will be well represented alongside Joe's love of all things soulful.

We also plan to run an event throughout the afternoon and into the early evening at another venue nearby. This will also feature some great DJs.

I will be asking for people to buy tickets as soon as possible once everything is organised. Appreciate your help.

Back soon!



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