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Dancers Of All Skill Levels Required at Bidds Saturday

As some people will be aware (those who were at Rugby last saturday nite for example) my son and his film school mates are doing a short student film on N/S. It's in a documentary format, and amongst the themes they're looking at are what are the changes between the scene in the 70's/80's & now, and what it is that keeps people coming back for more. Another one was about how you connect with the music ( for example how some tunes lift you up and others are great for listening to when you're feeling miserable etc - sorry I'm not explaining it very well) and favourite tunes, and why they are your favourites etc.

Anyway, the point is having grown up in a N/S household and having attended soul nites since he was at junior school ( and Niters from not long afterwards) my lad has a genuine love of the music & scene, and is hoping this student film may reach parts which otherwise wouldn't get reached, and of course he wants to show the scene from a good angle, and not diss it.

They are hoping for some dancers who'd like to be filmed to be at Bidds this saturday. This doesn't mean only the athletic gymastic types, it can be anybody who just enjoys getting on the floor cause they're enjoying the music, even if you can only step off one foot onto the other.

If anybody doesn't want to be caught on camera, don't worry, the lads will only show people who want to be filmed, and will try their best not to disturb anyone's enjoyment of the night.

I'm not sure if they've got all the interviews they need, but if you want to put yourself forward for one just speak to the lads at Bidds, they'll be easy to spot cause they're the ones with the cameras etc :)

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