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Change of Venue - Class of 72 - Stoke - Oct 2012

Word about a change of venue for the The Class of 72 Party night at Stoke On Trent

Oct 2012 Party Night at Stoke on trent

Oct 27th 2012 3pm to 1am now at

Cobridge Territorial Army Centre

Waterloo Rd,





Only 0.63 miles from our Nominated Accommodation

The George Hotel Burslem Stoke On Trent


Every bloody year it would seem that the Stoke Gremlins are against us, as last year we've had to find another venue do to unforeseen circumstances, let us explain.....

9 weeks ago we booked a small two room venue that we thought would be more than adequate for our invite only class of 72 party night, 4 weeks after the website went live we had in effect met capacity levels for the two rooms, concerns were raised that we had underestimated the interest in the annual gathering of the clans as we had over 50 on a stand-by list.

We decided to stick with the original venue however after seeking clarification re: actual capacity numbers with the venues management on numerous occasions it became apparent something was not right. On 19th April 2012 Jez was advised that the Leopard's staff had double booked the venue and they decided that their wedding booking would take preference. We moved on, as we always have done when shit hits fan,

Jez spent all last week visiting various establishments within the Potteries and has a found us a new venue as follows

1- capacity now 400

2- Secured FREE on site Parking

3- TWO bars ( cheap prices)

4- The Bigger bar will be playing Wheel era stuff now from 1500hrs

5- The Main room will be Torch stuff circa 72/73

6- The smaller bar will be a chill area

7- On site catering facility's

We decided this year for various reasons that it would be a free entry all-dayer, wristbands will be sent to you all in July/August 2012 please bring them with you to ensure entry.

As with previous years we are keen to continue our impressive charity work. Apart from the usual raffle there will be two large buckets near the entrance area where you can make a door tax donation if you wish, hopefully an amount that reflects what our gatherings mean to you?

As with previous functions ALL proceeds after expenses will be donated to charity. Julie Morgan Searle who does the raffle each year has suggested four charity's that will benefit from your generosity.....

Kidney research http://www.kidneyresearchuk.org/

Macmillan Nurseshttp://www.macmillan...ffordshire.aspx/

Freekick's Foundation http://www.freekicksfoundation.org/

Support our Soldiers http://www.supportoursoldiers.co.uk/

It only remains for Malc, Jez and I to again thank ALL the dj's who have agreed to give us their time FREE OF CHARGE, to the lads at Cobridge TA Centre who have waived their normal room hire fee, to Vinny and Geez who are donating their equipment for the duration, to the Morgan sisters who organise the raffle ( prizes to julie.searle1@tiscali.co.uk ) and especially our Jez Jones who's worked his arse of yet again to find us venue at such short notice.

With the increase in capacity, those that were on the stand by list are now 'in' please fwd this to all in your address book advising that FREE OF CHARGE entry wristbands will be available soon, please apply by email to PaulDonnellyBP@aol.com

Anone who has been allocated tickets would they respond so I can update our spreadsheets it will enable us to ensure everyone that has applied for wristbands are aware of the forced venue change.

See you at the Go Go.



3 to 4 Vinny

4 to 5 Jez Jones

5 to 6 Brian Chidley

6 to 7 Ian Cunliffe

7 to 8 Paul Rowan

8 to 9 Twink

9 to 10 Poke and PD

10 to 11 Pat Wallace

11 to 12 Julian Bentley

12 to 1 Chris Lalor


3 to 4 Geez

4 to 5 PD

5 to 6 Jobie

6 to 7 Gaz Lees

7 to 8 Malc Burton

8 to 9 Jez Jones

9 to 10 Francis Geirak

10 to 11 Brian 45 Phillips

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