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Aug 11th - Final Amlwch Allnighter - Aug 11 2012

Aug 11th - Final Amlwch Allnighter - Aug 11 2012 magazine cover

The Final Amlwch Allnighter August 2012

Steve T has passed on that the Amlwch social club is shutting its doors in October this year, so it looks like that the Amlwch Alnighter being held on the fast approaching Saturday August the 11th will be the last one

As the first one was held on August Bank Holiday back in 2005, so this last event will mark the end of a hard to take in 7 year run.

Myself have always classed this affair as a prime example of the whole "no one ever said it was going to be easy" aspect, which also lends itself to a no words needed approach, If you been there you know what its all about if not then you have one last chance to get some.

The full event details are up in the Soul Source event guide here (link below)

A good excuse for a flashback clip from the Jan 2006 allnighter


Aug 11th - the usual place, see you there if you go

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