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2020 - 6Ts 100 Club Allnighter Dates

All the latest up to date dates for all the 100 Club allnighters 2020 follow below...

We've added an all nighter next December too as everyone's digging the 6TS sounds

22 February 2020
28 March 2020
9 May 2020
4 July 2020
22 August 2020
26 September 2020– 41st Anniversary
7 November 2020
5th December 2020

AND after much debate and demand from our nonagenarian devotees who can't handle the all-night binges no more, we're having a one-off Covent Garden - West Hampstead - Early 100 Club evening dos night.

So basically Randy's Mod 100 and the other similar classic 60s club soul sounds that we played in the early days. It's gonna be 8pm-1am on Friday 17th July so no immediate rush but you can give your carers plenty of notice and stock up on pills and lotions. 

See you on Dec 7th 2019, it's the first one since my semi-retirement so Matt will run the opening and I'll swan down in my dressing gown once the place is rocking!

Ady & Matt


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