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2011-01-22: Burnley Allnighter, The Kestral Suite

2011-01-22: Burnley Allnighter, The Kestral Suite magazine cover


Event Author: Sean Haydon

Calendar: Allnighter/Weekenders

Event Date: Sat 22 January 2011





Following Barrie's unfortunate announcement that he no longer wishes to continue with the Burnley Allnighter, myself and Karl Heard have taken The Kestral Suite on to continue the nighters.

We are aware that another venue is not strictly necessary with what appears to be a very busy nighter schedule, but feel that Burnley has played such an important part in our scene over the last few years, together with the fact that we have had so much interest from the original regular attendees, is the main reason to give it a try. It would be a shame to lose such an event that Phil Kowalski created.

Both Karl and I have approached Phil in the hope that he would join us, but regretfully, due to other circumstances, has declined.

Not wanting to offend anyone or tread on toes, we aim at just having four nights per year. We feel that by doing this allows us the flexibility to work with and around other nighters throughout the calendar. Allnighters that we enjoy attending and promoters that we respect.

The club will have no hard and fast music policy and a no politics principle. It's not about DJ egos or club competition, just a place where people can come to enjoy themselves, hear some fantastic music and be happy.


The first night is booked for January the 22nd with the following DJ's confirmed. (In no order).


Willie West

Big Danny

Jumping Joan

Fred Kroll

Cliff Camfield

Stuart Bennet

Myself & Karl Heard.


With this line up and the original sound system, we aim to please.

If anyone has any questions or would like to discuss anything, please either PM me or email me at seanhaydon@me.com


Many thanks and hope to see you there.


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Members Comments

Recommended Comments

Guest abdntony


Once again, both Karl and I thank you all for your wishes and words of support, it's rather overwhelming. Great to have such a response so quickly.ohmy.gif

Here's a draft of the flyer for January


Sean cant make it in January but im sure we will make it down this year from Bonnie Scotland, im sure yous guys will make this a huge success

Tony Aberdeen

Guest roger H


REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS, will be there to support Shorny and Karl and to meet up with good mates oh and toby and coggy thumbsup.gif

good angel



it looks like 2,cars,and I will be driving one,Davids has got John&Deb with him at the moment.

So its me and thee and Jon,in our vehicle.

Hopefully I will be fully recovered by then,I will txt you in the week.

8pm pick up, all being well.


Guest SteveC


Thank f*** my exercise classes are starting up again - I'm was getting a little too portly!!!

Guest rosemary


just to let you all know in case you have forgotten

4 sleeps til Bat Cave Bliss biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Guest frenchie


Got my dancing shoes ready.....lets hope the knees stand the toil.


Guest ang b


I am so looking forward to this, 5 sleeps & were off, :thumbsup: , it will be nice to see Steve C out & about not seen you in ages :D:yes::D

Guest rosemary


just to let you all know in case you have forgotten

4 sleeps til Bat Cave Bliss biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Due to my excitement and ageyes.gif I got mi days mixed up


5 sleeps til bat cave blisslaugh.gif

Guest SteveC


I am so looking forward to this, 5 sleeps & were off, :yes: , it will be nice to see Steve C out & about not seen you in ages yes.gif:D :D

Bloody cheeky!!! :thumbsup:

good angel



John & Deb have dropped out, so just the one car now,David is driving.:yes::D

9pm pick up.

I see if I can get it to 8.30.:thumbsup:


Kev Moore


I really wanted to make this one but a good friends 50th has got in the way. So, sorry to Karl, Stuart, Willie etc...I 'll try and make the next installment.

I know you'll have a good one.



Guest ang b


Bloody cheeky!!! rolleyes.gif


Guest Neil Taylor


Leading up to the start of something fantastic,i`d just like to thank Karl & Sean for bringing this allnighter back to life.

With out these kind of nights,northern soul would go down the pan.

Because i for one wont be spoon fed shite soul music,and that is the view of many others.

Also i`d like to show phill some respect,and thank him for hatching this baby..... way back when.

Here`s to a great year.......and this allnighter, starts it all.




Leading up to the start of something fantastic,i`d just like to thank Karl & Sean for bringing this allnighter back to life.

With out these kind of nights,northern soul would go down the pan.

Because i for one wont be spoon fed shite soul music,and that is the view of many others.

Also i`d like to show phill some respect,and thank him for hatching this baby..... way back when.

Here`s to a great year.......and this allnighter, starts it all.


I think this all-nighter will set the standard for 2011.....it looks like it's going to be a packer and you just know musically by the dj's the music is going to be awesome. The most anticipated all-nighter of recent times, well certainly for as long as I've been attending all-nighters.

Counting down the days....I'm looking forward to this more than xmas :thumbsup:


Dave Abbott


looking forawrd to it :thumbsup::wave:



Both Karl and myself would like to wish everyone a Happy, prosperous and Soulful new year. Thanks to to all for your kind words and support on our new venture.

We now have the DJ lineup for Sat April 23rd (order and times to be confirmed)

Neil Toplis

Neil Taylor (Funkinsoul)

John McClure

Stuart Bennet

Danny Price

Fred Kroll

Cliff Camfield

Karl Heard

Future dates for the year to be announced shortly

Here's to a great 2011thumbsup.gif


It seems an eternity since my last visit to the Kestrel Suite, and whilst this forthcoming "soiree" is,unfortunately beyond me due to two very unsociable 12 hour night shifts on Friday and Saturday, I was pleased to see April 23rd is a goer, so will look forward to returning to my favourite venue in due course......Have a great one Saturday.....I'll be there in "spirit"!:wave:

Best wilxy :thumbsup:

Guest Sean Haydon


Both Karl and myself would like to wish everyone a Happy, prosperous and Soulful new year. Thanks to to all for your kind words and support on our new venture.

We now have the DJ lineup for Sat April 23rd (order and times to be confirmed)

Neil Toplis

Neil Taylor (Funkinsoul)

John McClure

Stuart Bennet

Danny Price

Fred Kroll

Cliff Camfield

Karl Heard

Future dates for the year to be announced shortly

Here's to a great 2011thumbsup.gif


It seems an eternity since my last visit to the Kestrel Suite, and whilst this forthcoming "soiree" is,unfortunately beyond me due to two very unsociable 12 hour night shifts on Friday and Saturday, I was pleased to see April 23rd is a goer, so will look forward to returning to my favourite venue in due course......Have a great one Saturday.....I'll be there in "spirit"!:wave:

Best wilxy :thumbsup:


Guest gordon russell


weather man tells us it,s gonna be a bit chilly..........except on saturday night in the north west when it,s gonna be tropical he,s looked at his charts and the met office just can,t understand it :lol: so no sheepskins required

p.s for some reason my mate danny can,t keep off the toilet :huh:

Guest rosemary


weather man tells us it,s gonna be a bit chilly..........except on saturday night in the north west when it,s gonna be tropical he,s looked at his charts and the met office just can,t understand it :lol: so no sheepskins required

p.s for some reason my mate danny can,t keep off the toilet :huh:

I dont know about it being tropical in Burnley Saturday night but it will be hot...........

Tell Danny to get a plug and I dont mean a bath plug laugh.gif

and only 3 sleeps nowbiggrin.gif

Md Records


Will be up there for this, picking up a couple of "types" when passing the Stoke area, no doubt there will be room for a few reasonably priced record sales?

Des Parker

Guest BigPaul


Well, Steve "Bullitt" L is revving the owd nicked beamer up as we Speakhatsoff2.gif

With the Baby-faced assasin riding shotgunthumbsup.gif

The owd codger (me) lording it in the backbiggrin.gif

Should be an eventful journeyyes.gif

See you about 11wicked.gif

Only joking Willieyes.gif

How many more sleeps Dannylaugh.gif

See you nutters Saturdaythumbsup.gif





Will there early doors for some 12" Willie action :huh: .. A good man indeed...

Coming up with a few young pups and gonna spend some time with my son Callum :lol:

Its looking good..



Will be up there for this, picking up a couple of "types" when passing the Stoke area, no doubt there will be room for a few reasonably priced record sales?

Des Parker

Rather a 'type' than a 'Forester' be......:lol:

See ya'll saturday :huh:



Well, Steve "Bullitt" L is revving the owd nicked beamer up as we Speakhatsoff2.gif

With the Baby-faced assasin riding shotgun :)

The owd codger (me) lording it in the backbiggrin.gif

Should be an eventful journeyyes.gif

See you about 11 :wicked:

Only joking Willieyes.gif

How many more sleeps Dannylaugh.gif

See you nutters Saturday thumbsup.gif




Will you be bringing the white suit to enter the dancing comp :wicked:

How have you got the little fella to part with some money & come out to play..........I'm impressed :thumbsup:

See you Saturday looks like it's gonna be a good un :lol:






Will you be bringing the white suit to enter the dancing comp wicked.gif

How have you got the little fella to part with some money & come out to play..........I'm impressed :thumbsup:

See you Saturday looks like it's gonna be a good un :)



Hi Martyn.Not been out since Dec18,will tell you about it at Burnley.

I've had Simply Red on repeat all January - "Money's too tight to mention".(replace Money with Kev..:lol: ).Got a little something for Ezzie as well.

Riding shotgun again,someone's got to be in control.With me buddies,Steve L (VG+,few pops and crackles,BB hole.).And Big Paul ( M- ,slight edge warp,does not affect his play..).



Hi Martyn.Not been out since Dec18,will tell you about it at Burnley.

I've had Simply Red on repeat all January - "Money's too tight to mention".(replace Money with Kev..:) ).Got a little something for Ezzie as well.

Riding shotgun again,someone's got to be in control.With me buddies,Steve L (VG+,few pops and crackles,BB hole.).And Big Paul ( M- ,slight edge warp,does not affect his play..).

Kev H..

Rare North Notts picture cover on the tight arse lable..

cover.. vg , can read text and view image but smells a bit damp, more water damage than wee i think..

Vinyl is vg++ slight wear and plays on 78 after midnight :thumbsup:

Guest Tim aka Bob



John & Deb have dropped out, so just the one car now,David is driving.:no::D

9pm pick up.

I see if I can get it to 8.30.:D


Have a gud un you lot!....was hoping to return to Burnley...but can't make it...this time around! Webby caught me 'off guard' on NYE...tell him I don't look sa ruff now!


good angel


Have a gud un you lot!....was hoping to return to Burnley...but can't make it...this time around! Webby caught me 'off guard' on NYE...tell him I don't look sa ruff now!



He will be reading this dont you worry,see you soon take care mate.




Really can't wait :D

Guest rosemary


Really can't wait :D

neither can I Joanbiggrin.gif

I'm a giddy kipperyes.gif even bought a new top for the occasion yes.gif

See you Saturday



Will there early doors for some 12" Willie action :D .. A good man indeed...

Coming up with a few young pups and gonna spend some time with my son Callum :no:

Its looking good..

Thank you for the kind words Stevo :lol:, be great to see you and your son .............. does he know :D.

It is looking good mate, see ya on Sat.



Kev H..

Rare North Notts picture cover on the tight arse lable..

cover.. vg , can read text and view image but smells a bit damp, more water damage than wee i think..

Vinyl is vg++ slight wear and plays on 78 after midnight :D

:lol: ,you know me well.



Had me kecks pressed and shoes polished since monday !:lol:

Way Hay :no:

Cogster !!!!!!!!!!:D



.And Big Paul ( M- ,slight edge warp,does not affect his play..).


I've noticed nothing stops him playing :yes::lol: :lol:

You've got your work cut out riding shotgun to that lot..........who'd have thought it you "The Sensible One" :lol:

See you all Saturday :yes:



Dave Abbott


Had me kecks pressed and shoes polished since monday !:yes:

Way Hay :lol:

Cogster !!!!!!!!!!:yes:

I'm taking my beard - it hasn't been to Burnley since July 2008!! (and apart from one appearance at the 100 Club, its not been to an allniter since)



I'm taking my beard - it hasn't been to Burnley since July 2008!! (and apart from one appearance at the 100 Club, its not been to an allniter since)

im sure you and youre beard will be made more than welcome mate

Dave Abbott


im sure you and youre beard will be made more than welcome mate

i hope so - i've been plenty of times since...the beard is less adventurous



just to let you all know in case you have forgotten

4 sleeps til Bat Cave Bliss biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Kerist Rosemary - judging by the number of posts you must be right regarding the quality of Burnley Allnighter. Joolz, Mark, Matt & I are looking forward to our 1st at the Kestrel. Really looking forward to seeing the bats oh yes and a dance or two. xx

Guest rosemary


Kerist Rosemary - judging by the number of posts you must be right regarding the quality of Burnley Allnighter. Joolz, Mark, Matt & I are looking forward to our 1st at the Kestrel. Really looking forward to seeing the bats oh yes and a dance or two. xx

Really looking forward to seeing you all againyes.gif

You wont be disappointed, uptempo in your face soul musicyes.gif, don't know if the bats are still there no.gif

and now there's only one sleep to go biggrin.gif



Really looking forward to seeing you all againyes.gif

You wont be disappointed, uptempo in your face soul musicyes.gif, don't know if the bats are still there no.gif

and now there's only one sleep to go biggrin.gif

Rosemary, I will bring you that photo disc tomorrow. xxx

Guest rosemary


Rosemary, I will bring you that photo disc tomorrow. xxx

Thanks Dave, I forgot all about giving you my address......

see you both tomorrow nightsmile.gif

Take care xx

Guest Matt Male


I think 2011 is going to be a monumental year on the rare soul scene, so much good stuff getting played out at the moment with DJs not afraid to treat a crowd with respect. This nighter has certainly got those DJs. :thumbsup:

Really looking forward to hearing what's on offer Saturday night, I can't bloody wait in fact :(

Guest Sean Haydon


I think 2011 is going to be a monumental year on the rare soul scene, so much good stuff getting played out at the moment with DJs not afraid to treat a crowd with respect. This nighter has certainly got those DJs. :thumbsup:

Really looking forward to hearing what's on offer Saturday night, I can't bloody wait in fact :(

Thanks Matt, I can't bloody wait either. Our little club is gonna Rock! I'm sure.yes.gif

Really looking forward to tonight too at "Move On". And for a great Charitable cause. Respect to you and Adam.hatsoff2.gif



All set now!Just put some new laces in me shoes which are shining like snot !!!!:thumbsup:




Just heard that my good friends Mick and Dale are coming down from Glasgow. Whoo hoo :thumbsup:

And we are picking Sarah up en-route so it is going to be great.

I keep getting messages from Peggy though asking for mid tempo. Stop him someone :(



Well' got my bag packed for a awesome weekend, just need to get the mobility scooter reved up and away I go :thumbsup:, oh', managed to fit saddle bags to the scoot for my 12":(.

Cya in da Bat Cave.


Steve L


Just had some new tyres on the Bullitt wagon and some of our Eastern European friends have made it look nice and clean and shiney so we're all set for the off here.

Just need a few more "wey hey's" and "woo hoo's" and t' jobs a guddun :thumbsup:



Just had some new tyres on the Bullitt wagon and some of our Eastern European friends have made it look nice and clean and shiney so we're all set for the off here.

Just need a few more "wey hey's" and "woo hoo's" and t' jobs a guddun :lol:

'JOAN' :thumbsup::(:D

Guest Sean Haydon


Just heard that my good friends Mick and Dale are coming down from Glasgow. Whoo hoo :thumbsup:

And we are picking Sarah up en-route so it is going to be great.

I keep getting messages from Peggy though asking for mid tempo. Stop him someone :(

Just tell Peggy that the DJ after you will be playing some mid tempo, some bloke called Danny, he might know him. That should keep him quiet for a bit Joanlaugh.gif

To be honest though Joan, I've been criticised in the past for playing too up tempo. So I shall be playing some mid tempo.....

Well, one anywaywink.gif



'JOAN' :lol: :lol: :lol:

Always happy to oblige :D

Whey hey :thumbup:

Whoo hoo :thumbup:

Nearly time :thumbup:

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