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2011-01-22: Burnley Allnighter, The Kestral Suite

2011-01-22: Burnley Allnighter, The Kestral Suite magazine cover


Event Author: Sean Haydon

Calendar: Allnighter/Weekenders

Event Date: Sat 22 January 2011





Following Barrie's unfortunate announcement that he no longer wishes to continue with the Burnley Allnighter, myself and Karl Heard have taken The Kestral Suite on to continue the nighters.

We are aware that another venue is not strictly necessary with what appears to be a very busy nighter schedule, but feel that Burnley has played such an important part in our scene over the last few years, together with the fact that we have had so much interest from the original regular attendees, is the main reason to give it a try. It would be a shame to lose such an event that Phil Kowalski created.

Both Karl and I have approached Phil in the hope that he would join us, but regretfully, due to other circumstances, has declined.

Not wanting to offend anyone or tread on toes, we aim at just having four nights per year. We feel that by doing this allows us the flexibility to work with and around other nighters throughout the calendar. Allnighters that we enjoy attending and promoters that we respect.

The club will have no hard and fast music policy and a no politics principle. It's not about DJ egos or club competition, just a place where people can come to enjoy themselves, hear some fantastic music and be happy.


The first night is booked for January the 22nd with the following DJ's confirmed. (In no order).


Willie West

Big Danny

Jumping Joan

Fred Kroll

Cliff Camfield

Stuart Bennet

Myself & Karl Heard.


With this line up and the original sound system, we aim to please.

If anyone has any questions or would like to discuss anything, please either PM me or email me at seanhaydon@me.com


Many thanks and hope to see you there.


Members Comments

Recommended Comments

Guest SteveC


Perfect!!!!!!!! What I've needed for a while. Wonderful crowd with a music policy that is now legendary!!!

Curtis Mayfield - Pusherman

Sam Ward - Sister Lee (long time no hear at a niter, reminded me of my younger years on the scene)

Charles Johnson - You made a mistake

Showstoppers - Ain't nothing but a house party

How eclectic are that four alone. The floor packed from 10pm onwards. Bat cave well and truly up and running again. Thanks Shorny and Karl. Top job guys.

PS: I'm not "still" talking shit - I'm being informative. Thanks to the Manc and Rugger girls for the cards and pressie



i want a cup of tea now

Rugby Soul Club


Perfect!!!!!!!! What I've needed for a while. Wonderful crowd with a music policy that is now legendary!!!

Curtis Mayfield - Pusherman

Sam Ward - Sister Lee (long time no hear at a niter, reminded me of my younger years on the scene)

Charles Johnson - You made a mistake

Showstoppers - Ain't nothing but a house party

How eclectic are that four alone. The floor packed from 10pm onwards. Bat cave well and truly up and running again. Thanks Shorny and Karl. Top job guys.

PS: I'm not "still" talking shit - I'm being informative. Thanks to the Manc and Rugger girls for the cards and pressie

Lovely to see you back on form...:thumbsup:

I can't describe what a brilliant nite I had coz words just aren't good enuf big thanks from one happy lady...:lamsey:

Sorry to those who I talked to death but the dance floor was too full to let off steam, so you all got it...especially Dave Rimmer, who is always so patient with me...:thumbup:



You should be wearing steel toe capped boots Karen :thumbsup:

Like anywhere you go, not all the music was to my taste but that matters not. The place was rocking and the dance floor rammed from start to finish - and I mean start to finish.

I have not been to a nighter like that for many years.

I'll throw in some flagellation as well, for good measure :thumbup:




It`s already been summed up nicely.

Everything came together in one big melting pot of soul music......and it worked.:thumbsup:That the words i was looking for :thumbsup:billy


Sean & Danny.......Thank`s for the records.



The Burnley nighter was the place to be last night .

The atmosphere just kept on growing throughout the night . It was difficult to find a space on the dance floor , tune , tune ,tune :thumbup:

Welldone all involved ,

Cheers Billy for the lift 4.5 hours each way , phew !:thumbsup:

All the best frank .

Willie , enjoyed your set , can you list your play list please (album tracks ) thanks Again...



What a night, ain't enjoyed myself that much in a long time - By the people for the people.

Loads of records I've never heard, but done in such a way that everyone just kept on going!

Best keep it short as I've just got a knife and fork out to eat some Wheatabix so probably won't make much sense - Sign of a good night I recon!

Well done to all involved.

Over 'n' out.


"I am playing the right records, but not necessarily in the right order"



I'll throw in some flagellation as well, for good measure :lamsey:

Hate to heap insult on injury lesbian features, but you're gonna need a hair shirt too :ohmy: It was a blinder.

Packer from start to finish, great mix of uptempo tunes, atmosphere buzzing, dancing like sardines (except Simon who I like to think of as the 'soul tuna' amongst us), friendly accommodating bar staff, birthday boys & girls suitably spoilt, old friends coming out of the woodwork, new friends absolutely charming, and wall to wall crumpet*.

*OK, so I lied about that bit.

Happy birthdays to Stevie Sawdust, Angie Lawrence (who looked amazing) and the lovely Sonia who we refuse to believe is actually 50. Woody I think you escaped a birthday snog from me - be afraid, be very afraid :thumbup: I apologise to everyone I spoke complete arse & parsley to - but in the talking bollocks Olympics, Kev H you definitely steal the gold. For future reference Kev, no I don't think the baked potato thread is a good idea, and I have no desire to discuss what sort of filling I prefer. Pervert, lol. :thumbsup:

I took a million pictures, but I'm just in Photoshop applying the red eye reduction, checked shirt filter, shiny pate suppressor, Diddy & Willie resizer, gurn rectifier & sequin glare minimiser. I may be some time.

A fine job overall done by that DJ chap that looks like a young Yul Brynner, and Sean 'I was hardly nervous at all about the whole thing' Haydon. The only criticisms I would make were that there wasn't enough room, there was no Babycham on draught, and the ladies toilets need to be less like Stalag 17 to escape from. At least the first of those is a problem of success, so pat yourselves on the back and apply to Burnley Council for planning permission to extend.

I'll leave you with the quote of the night from a young male member of bar staff chatting outside... "Have you seen all the old folks in there? They're bang on one having a brilliant time. By heck I hope I'm like that when I get to 70 too!" :lol:

Tee x


Irish Spinner


QUOTE: Ref Burnley all nighter closure 17.03.2010 By Irish



And so it come to pass what a night. Thank you Sean & Karl and all behind the scenes.


Guest frenchie



I'll leave you with the quote of the night from a young male member of bar staff chatting outside... "Have you seen all the old folks in there? They're bang on one having a brilliant time. By heck I hope I'm like that when I get to 70 too!" :thumbsup:

Tee x

CLASS laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

Guest Stuart Raith


Great night - was I there?



Hate to heap insult on injury lesbian features, but you're gonna need a hair shirt too :thumbsup: It was a blinder.

Carry on like that and I'll start thinking you fancy me!

Guest roger H


WELL WHAT CAN I SAY !!!!!, What a class night from start till i went home, music was top class and cant fault the night in any way, well done to my best mate and soul brother Sean and Karl.......credit where credits due :thumbsup:



As has already been said ... unbelievable turn out! Full of proper nighter goers and loads of lovely folk who were great company all night.

Not everything was my bag musically but I didn't expect it to be; that's really not the point though and certainly isn't a gripe. I really enjoyed Stewart and Joan's spots in particular but heard plenty of good dance tackle over the course of the night. Much more importantly, people came from all over the country and the floor was rammed all night which has got to be the ultimate measure of how good or not a nighter is hasn't it? Horses n courses n all that; did what it said on the tin!

All I can say is that if you didn't have a good night out last night there's something wrong with you! Thoroughly enjoyed myself and finished-up staying until the end when I had intended to be away by 3.

Thanks to all involved for all their hard work in making it happen. (Not just resurrected but back bigger and better than before if last night was anything to go by). Really chuffed for you lads! :thumbsup:

See you at the next one, and the one after that, and ...





Who was the female version of "Right Track" ???

denise lasalle - the right track - parka

What a stonkin' night, have not seen a dance floor get that much hammer for ages...........10/10


Ted Massey


kin el im doubtin meself now, you were still at the decks sean was stood right next to you , did he take over from you ? could have been right at the end of your set.this tune and the four pros everybody,e got some soul" werent that far apart. ive heard this tune at lifeline , either sam or rob smith has played it. has all the same instruments being played .sorry if im doin yer head in .

I think you mean the Scott Bros they all came back i did hear that will cost you £25

scott brothers - ztbc - soul-tbc



I think you mean the Scott Bros they all came back i did hear that will cost you £25

Definitely wasn't me :D

good angel


Definitely wasn't me :thumbsup:

Women always say that.:D

Good spot Joan,Saturday night.:D




I think you mean the Scott Bros they all came back i did hear that will cost you £25

scott brothers - ztbc - soul-tbc

The BIG MAN (Danny) played it i think and £25 for one is about spot on :thumbsup: Well what a stonking nite never seen a dance floor that full for that long in a long time :D The dj line up was for me spot on and kicked off in great style by LP WILLIE and it continued right thro to the end with fred. Thanks to CAMMY for playing you know wot :thumbsup: Lookin forward to the next one. Enzo :D



Great night - was I there?

If you werent ,neither was i ,or i was talking to myself :D

Guest Sean Haydon


The BIG MAN (Danny) played it i think and £25 for one is about spot on :thumbsup: Well what a stonking nite never seen a dance floor that full for that long in a long time :D The dj line up was for me spot on and kicked off in great style by LP WILLIE and it continued right thro to the end with fred. Thanks to CAMMY for playing you know wot :thumbsup: Lookin forward to the next one. Enzo :D

Yes it was Danny, here's the proof smile.gif


Ezzie Brown


Yes it was Danny, here's the proof smile.gif

is that his dad helping him out ???????????:D .......it was a good night ......... four times a year is just enough to keep it as it was last night, eagerly awaited and as promised music policy, you know whats coming..... ....a few mid tempos to break it up a tad................, only a tad :D perhaps ?? i say .........

but for a good night with good company .........this will do me...:thumbsup: ......regards, ezzie



Top night, danced like a no* all night

That getting the corners track vocal version is salt and pepper man of my word, I think, or its very close backing track

Particularly enjoyed sean haydon's set, would have been perfect a bit later

Spot on, will try to get to next one

Does anyone know the name of that darondo track that karl h played?

Guest Sean Haydon


Perfect!!!!!!!! What I've needed for a while. Wonderful crowd with a music policy that is now legendary!!!

Curtis Mayfield - Pusherman

Sam Ward - Sister Lee (long time no hear at a niter, reminded me of my younger years on the scene)

Charles Johnson - You made a mistake

Showstoppers - Ain't nothing but a house party

How eclectic are that four alone. The floor packed from 10pm onwards. Bat cave well and truly up and running again. Thanks Shorny and Karl. Top job guys.

Last record




Top night, danced like a no* all night

That getting the corners track vocal version is salt and pepper man of my word, I think, or its very close backing track

Particularly enjoyed sean haydon's set, would have been perfect a bit later

Spot on, will try to get to next one

Does anyone know the name of that darondo track that karl h played?

Give Callum a buzz, he's also got that tune.. He could do trades for some of your deep gospel edged disco :thumbsup:

See you next weekend for more fun fun fun..

Good feedback Sean/ Karl..

Job very well done.....

Val  (Chunky)


Does anyone know the name of that darondo track that karl h played?




Fantastic nite,genius idea who's ever it was!

No man/woman of the match from me this time!

All DJs played out of their skins for me,they were all up for it !

Atmosphere was electric from start to finish !

Tunage was top drawer!

Nice to see lots of old cave dwellers and meet some new ones!

Thanks to Cliff for The Eruptions c/up mate :thumbsup: .Wot a treat for me!! Top man! Thankyou!:yes:

Well done to all involved in making the nite a complete success,and putting Burnley well and truely back on the map!!

PS Rosemary,sorry i didnt recognise you with your new image,at first.:lol: nice to see you mucka!! xx

Mike Cog

Md Records


Well done guys :thumbsup: The allnighters at Burnley are back with a vengeance!!!

Looking forward to the next installment

Des Parker

Guest rosemary


PS Rosemary,sorry i didnt recognise you with your new image,at first.:thumbsup: nice to see you mucka!! xx

Mike Cog

That's ok Mikesmile.gif

It's all coming back to me now though, we were both dancing and you told me to watch out for the jump in the record.....but I thought you said 'watch Big Paul cause he's going to jump in a minute'ph34r.gifph34r.gif.....so I watched Big Paul but he didnt jumplaugh.giflaugh.gif

Also forgot to say thank you to Dave and Lou for the CD.....great photos of Kyle, mainly with a joint in his handlaugh.gif, they've made me smilesmile.gif.

mrs soul


its been a long time since I walked into a venue, that's only had the doors open for half an hour, to find it packed to the rafters :thumbsup:

well done to Karl and Shorny, you pulled it off, great atmosphere, dance floor full, managed to queeze myself on it, for the 'Springers' though :lol:

Big thanks to Ted for taking us, I know he was very tired driving back, far too much time on Morrisons car park I think,:lol:

Me and woody really enjoyed it, Rosemary I never saw you? but it was so full, impossible to see everyone, but hey ho, once again concratulations for doing something thats close to your heart's :lol:

Guest rosemary


its been a long time since I walked into a venue, that's only had the doors open for half an hour, to find it packed to the rafters :thumbsup:

well done to Karl and Shorny, you pulled it off, great atmosphere, dance floor full, managed to queeze myself on it, for the 'Springers' though :lol:

Big thanks to Ted for taking us, I know he was very tired driving back, far too much time on Morrisons car park I think,:lol:

Me and woody really enjoyed it, Rosemary I never saw you? but it was so full, impossible to see everyone, but hey ho, once again concratulations for doing something thats close to your heart's :lol:


I saw Woody but dont think he recognised melaugh.gif but I didnt see youno.gif...... like you said Lou it was so busy.

Rugby Soul Club


Rosemary I never saw you? but it was so full, impossible to see everyone,

Funny you should say that because I can miss people in an empty room with my bad eyesight but it's took looking at the fotos to see loads of people I didn't realise were there...:thumbsup:

Guest Sean Haydon


Well, what can I say?

These look back posts are fantastic. They epitomize exactly what the Burnley Nighter is about. Great People, Great music, having a Great time!

Despite a few teething problems, which will be addressed for the next one, we couldn't have wished for better.

Your very expressive posts say it all but I'd like to thank all those involved for making it work:

Dusty, Gary, Neil for your assistance with the equipment, Gary & Linda for the thankless task on the door (excellent job). Chris Waterman for the wristbands and going out the way to meet me.

Our Brilliant, Passionate DJ's, Joan, Willie, Danny, Stuart, Cliff and Fred for their musically perfect sets (spot on!). Kate and Jayne for standing by us xx.

Above all, Phil Kowalski for creating something special in the first place.

Fantastic to see so many people in attendance, taking the time and trouble to travel so far to join us on our first night. Making it a very special night.

Thank you all so much,


p.s. And Mike Cog for suggesting it to mewink.gif

Tony Foster


Well, what can I say?

These look back posts are fantastic. They epitomize exactly what the Burnley Nighter is about. Great People, Great music, having a Great time!

Despite a few teething problems, which will be addressed for the next one, we couldn't have wished for better.

Your very expressive posts say it all but I'd like to thank all those involved for making it work:

Dusty, Gary, Neil for your assistance with the equipment, Gary & Linda for the thankless task on the door (excellent job). Chris Waterman for the wristbands and going out the way to meet me.

Our Brilliant, Passionate DJ's, Joan, Willie, Danny, Stuart, Cliff and Fred for their musically perfect sets (spot on!). Kate and Jayne for standing by us xx.

Above all, Phil Kowalski for creating something special in the first place.

Fantastic to see so many people in attendance, taking the time and trouble to travel so far to join us on our first night. Making it a very special night.

Thank you all so much,


p.s. And Mike Cog for suggesting it to mewink.gif

You all did a great job mate, keep up the good work, roll on the next one thumbsup.gif

Guest Sean Haydon


Guest SteveC


Still buzzin from the night and my birthday morning flashback is of how good that old Dome favourite Kelly Brothers sounded :thumbsup:

Guest aintgotit


I think you mean the Scott Bros they all came back i did hear that will cost you £25

scott brothers - ztbc - soul-tbc

not it lad, cheers for post



For once I can't think of anything to say,it's all been said,so I'll shut up.:sweatingbullets:

Take care,be safe & remember,"Ho,ho,ho it's magic you know,never believe it's not so,it's magic you know,never believe it's not so",


Dave Abbott


It was truely a fantastic, memorable niter. Well done Karl and Sean

thanks to Sian and Dean and all the window lickers for the laughs (and Adam for Friday). A great weeknd (Val that record is fantastic)



Really had a great time....I cant remember the last time i enjoyed myself that night at a niter. The tunes were great particularly enjoyed Sean's & Karls set. Karl just seems to gage it perfectly everytime, the right tunes at the right time, there's definitely an art to dj-ing. It's great to hear so many new tunes :thumbsup: . The only down point was there was loads of people there i didn't manage to catch up with.....

see you all this weekend at Radcliffe for Mr Cato's 50th Birthday celebrations :lol:



Really had a great time....I cant remember the last time i enjoyed myself that night at a niter. The tunes were great particularly enjoyed Sean's & Karls set. Karl just seems to gage it perfectly everytime, the right tunes at the right time, there's definitely an art to dj-ing. It's great to hear so many new tunes :yes: . The only down point was there was loads of people there i didn't manage to catch up with.....

see you all this weekend at Radcliffe for Mr Cato's 50th Birthday celebrations :D

Glad to see my son had a nice time...

Dad will be having words laugh.gif:no:



Big ones, little ones and lots of inbetweeners - music and people!

What a great night out. :yes:



Got to say a mega thank you to Joan, Karl and Fred for going that extra mile to get hold of me to answer my questions on what was spun, I was very impressed with the response!

Jerry Washington - Don't waste my time

Chuck Cissel - Don't Tell Me you're Sorry

Super spins Fred!

More of the same for next time please


Dave Raistrick


Arrived a little later than had planned, but WOW what a GREAT night !!!

Standout tune - Springers - Nothings too good for my baby - Wale - Knockout !!!

See ya next time around.

Dave & Donna x

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