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2011-01-22: Burnley Allnighter, The Kestral Suite

2011-01-22: Burnley Allnighter, The Kestral Suite magazine cover


Event Author: Sean Haydon

Calendar: Allnighter/Weekenders

Event Date: Sat 22 January 2011




Following Barrie's unfortunate announcement that he no longer wishes to continue with the Burnley Allnighter, myself and Karl Heard have taken The Kestral Suite on to continue the nighters.

We are aware that another venue is not strictly necessary with what appears to be a very busy nighter schedule, but feel that Burnley has played such an important part in our scene over the last few years, together with the fact that we have had so much interest from the original regular attendees, is the main reason to give it a try. It would be a shame to lose such an event that Phil Kowalski created.

Both Karl and I have approached Phil in the hope that he would join us, but regretfully, due to other circumstances, has declined.

Not wanting to offend anyone or tread on toes, we aim at just having four nights per year. We feel that by doing this allows us the flexibility to work with and around other nighters throughout the calendar. Allnighters that we enjoy attending and promoters that we respect.

The club will have no hard and fast music policy and a no politics principle. It's not about DJ egos or club competition, just a place where people can come to enjoy themselves, hear some fantastic music and be happy.

The first night is booked for January the 22nd with the following DJ's confirmed. (In no order).

Willie West

Big Danny

Jumping Joan

Fred Kroll

Cliff Camfield

Stuart Bennet

Myself & Karl Heard.

With this line up and the original sound system, we aim to please.

If anyone has any questions or would like to discuss anything, please either PM me or email me at seanhaydon@me.com

Many thanks and hope to see you there.


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