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100 Club Allnighter - News and Stuff

Just a quick call to both highlight this weekends allnighter at the 100 Club but also to remind/inform you all that the Jan 2014 event has been cancelled due to improvements

The website will no doubt have full info, so just a quick email grab below...


100 Club Nighter this Sat 7th Dec 2013


It's guests a go-go with Chris Dale joining A-D for full sets and cameos from Cristina, John McCann, Frank Webster, Roddy Brass and Charlie Rees.


The Xmas party is on Thurs Dec 19th

9pm-2am with Mick Smith, Irish Greg and Ho Ho Horace.



Dates for the rest of the year as at Nov 2013 are....


Feb 15

Mar 22

May 3

July 5

Aug 16

Sept 20th, Anniversary 10pm-6am

Nov 1st

Dec 13th all 11pm-6am except anniversary 10pm-6am





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