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Kim Weston - Help Needed - Please read

Kim Weston - Help Needed - Please read magazine cover

Just seen this on twitter about Kim.

Lets try to help her after everything she given our scene

Click https://www.gofundme.com/258qqdqc

Below added by site

Kim Weston is need of your help.  She is in a hospital in Detroit and is in dire need of financial assistance after surgery. The legendary Motown Singer Kim Weston, is rehabing after a major surgery. Kim was the first duet partner for Marvin Gaye, with the song "It Takes Two,"(Baby). Also she performed and recorded the most popular version of "Lift Every Voice and Sing." She needs financial support right now, due to illness prior to the surgery and not being able to perform. I would like to ask if you would give whatever you are able, $5, $10, $20 or more if able. It will all add up if everyone Chips in. The goal is to get her into a nice senior facility and help with a couple months or more rent until she can heal and get back on her feet. 
Thank you so very much for your help, and Kim is very grateful as well. While your there, please leave a comment to let her know your thinking about her and to cheer her up. Thanks to her fans and friends! May God comfort, bless and heal her. Share to the music community please. 
If you can afford to give $5, $10, $20 or more  please do.
Thank you very much! 

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I don't comment on much on here but where is Berry Gordy Jnr??




sat in L.A.looking at the royalties still pouring in from the talents that peeps such as kim earned him.....

greedy uncaring bastard...

Guest Mark Soul


very sad indeed after what she has done for our scene cheers mark

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